- 微信小程序iOS端动画过渡属性失效,ps:android 和模拟器都正常
html部分 <view animation="{{animationY}}" style="position:fixed;left:150px;"> <image class="am-love" animation="{{animationX}}" style="position:fixed;top:139px;" src="一张图片">image> view> js 部分 Page({ data:{ animationY:{}, animationX:{}, }, onShow:function(){ var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 3000, timingFunction: 'ease-in', delay:1000, }) this.animation = animation animation.translate3d(150,220,220).width(30).height(30).step() this.setData({ animationX:animation.export(), }) })
2018-07-31 - input placeholde失焦设置text-align: center无效
``` <input type="text" placeholder="搜索国家或地区" placeholder-style="text-align:{{textAlign}}" placeholder-class="searchHolder" bindblur="blurSearch" bindfocus="focusSearch" bindinput='input' value='{{keyWord}}' bindconfirm="blurConfirm" focus='{{searchfocus}}' /> // 搜索输入框聚焦 focusSearch: function (e) { var that = this; that.setData({ textAlign: 'center' }) }, // 搜索输入框失焦 blurSearch: function (e) { var that = this; if (e.detail.value == '') { that.setData({ textAlign: 'center' }) } }, ``` 模拟器: v1.02.1804120 模拟器正常; ios : 微信版本 v6.6.6 android: 微信版本 v6.6.5