2024-02-23uni.switchTab({ url: "/pages/mokaIndex/mokaIndex", success() { let page = getCurrentPages().pop(); //跳转页面成功之后 if (!page) return; // page.onLoad(); //调用此方法就会导致报错 page.$vm.loadData && page.$vm.loadData(); //直接调用自定义方法就不会有报错 } }); 以上代码是修改后可以的,但不知道是为什么,有大佬知道的话希望能帮忙解决一下,非常感谢!!!
微信小程序分享 Cannot convert undefined or null to object打开小程序首页,点击去登陆,登陆成功后返回到首页,首页有分享按钮,此时分享按钮点击报错Cannot convert undefined or null to object,右上角选择重新打开小程序可以分享 //报错信息: VM8 asdebug.js:formatted:4499 TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object at o.keys (<anonymous>) at VM2136 WAService.js:2 at VM2136 WAService.js:2 at i (VM8 asdebug.js:formatted:4497) at c (VM8 asdebug.js:formatted:4504) at VM8 asdebug.js:formatted:181 at Set.forEach (<anonymous>) at f (VM8 asdebug.js:formatted:179) at e.exports.g (VM8 asdebug.js:formatted:188) at VM8 asdebug.js:formatted:131(env: Windows,mp,1.05.2110290; lib: 2.17.0) //业务代码: <template> <!-- 分享 --> <view> <button open-type="share" class="share_btn df_end_start" :data-blogInfo="blog"> <image src="/static/images/share_icon.png" mode="" class="share_icon" v-if="fontColor == '#fff'"></image> <image src="/static/images/share_icon_333.png" mode="" class="share_icon" v-if="fontColor == '#333'"> </image> </button> </view> </template> <script> export default { props: { fontColor: { type: String, default: "#fff" }, blog: { type: Object, default: {} } }, data() { return { } }, mounted() {}, methods: {} } </script> <style scoped> .share_btn { background: none; } .share_icon { width: 37rpx; height: 37rpx; margin-left: 49rpx; } </style>