- 在小程序webview内嵌的h5页面中调用wx.chooseImage触发刷新页面?
在小程序webview内嵌的h5页面中调用wx.chooseImage拍照触发刷新页面,app.js以及当前页面的onshow里并没有逻辑代码,只有拍照有这个问题,相册没有。是什么原因啊 uploadImage() { let that = this; if (window.__wxjs_environment === "miniprogram") { wx.miniProgram.getEnv(function (res) { if (res.miniprogram) { wx.chooseImage({ count: that.count, success: function (req) { that.totalUpload = false that.syncUpload(req.localIds) }, fail() { Toast.fail("选择图片失败!"); }, }); } }); } }, syncUpload(localIds) { const localId = localIds.pop(); const that = this wx.uploadImage({ localId: localId, // 需要上传的图片的本地ID,由chooseImage接口获得 isShowProgressTips: 0, success: function (resp) { that.handleUpload2(resp.serverId) if(localIds.length > 0){ that.syncUpload(localIds); return }else{ that.totalUpload = true } } }); }, handleUpload(data){ Toast.loading({ message: '正在上传...', forbidClick: true, loadingType: 'spinner', duration: 0 }) uploadWxFile({codeName:data}).then(response=>{ this.fileList.push({ id: response.fileMidId, url: response.fileUrl, }) this.$emit("change", this.fileList) if(this.totalUpload){ Toast.clear() } }).catch(()=>{ if(this.totalUpload){ Toast.clear() } this.$toast.fail('上传失败!') }) },
2021-08-09 - 安卓用wx.chooseImage选择相册图片上传后会在相册生成一张相同的图片,这个是什么原因?
wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, sizeType: ['compressed'], success: function (res) { var localIds = res.localIds } });