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开放平台移动应用申请不通过,申请的应用名称与网站应用信息不一致?我的应用和官网信息一致,哪里不一致? app名称:心筑 应用描述:心筑,遇见、治愈你的心情 应用官网 https://lingting.woshimama.cn
07-08this.data.context.draw(false,function(){ wx.canvasToTempFilePath({....}) }) 试试
context.draw中的wx.canvasToTempFilePath,生成图片有时候是空的?export: function() { if (arrx.length == 0) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '签名内容不能为空!', showCancel: false }); return false; }; const that = this; this.data.context.draw(false, wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ x: 0, y: 0, quality:1, fileType: 'png', canvasId: 'firstCanvas', success(res) { console.log("res.tem",res) console.log("res.tem",res.tempFilePath) const { tempFilePath } = res; console.log("takeimageUrl",""+tempFilePath) that.setData({ 'userInfo.signImgUrl': tempFilePath, }) arrx=[] }, fail() { wx.showToast({ title: '导出失败', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) } }) ) }, 以上是我的代码块,是一个签字版生成图片的方法,求助大佬,为什么有时候会生成空图片?
canvasToTempFilePath图片变形?我用canvas载入图片: wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#myCanvas').fields({ node: true, size: true }).exec((res)=>{ const canvas = res[0].node that.canvas = canvas; that.context = canvas.getContext('2d') canvas.width = res[0].width * app.globalData.pixelRatio canvas.height = res[0].height * app.globalData.pixelRatio const img = canvas.createImage(); img.src = that.data.url; img.onload = () => { //计算图片和canvas的宽高比,对图片进行保持比例缩放。图片可正常按比例载入 that.context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, that.data.scaledWidth/**计算后的图片宽**/, that.data.scaledHeight/**计算后的图片高**/); } } confirmTap: function () { var that = this; wx.showLoading({ title: '正在保存图片', }) setTimeout(() => { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ x: 0, y: 0, width: that.data.scaledWidth, height: that.data.scaledHeight, destWidth: that.data.scaledWidth * app.globalData.pixelRatio, /**app.globalData.pixelRatio为像素比**/ destHeight: that.data.scaledHeight * app.globalData.pixelRatio, // width: 10, // height: 10, // destHeight: 300, // destWidth: 300, fileType: 'jpg', canvas: this.canvas, success: function (res) { console.log(res); var tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; console.log(tempFilePath); wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath: res.tempFilePath, success:function(res){ wx.hideLoading() } }) } }) }, 1500); } 但实际保存的图片是整个canvas的宽高,但被缩放成that.data.scaledWidth * app.globalData.pixelRatio和that.data.scaledHeight * app.globalData.pixelRatio 加载时的图片 [图片] 保存的图片 [图片]
wx.canvasToTempFilePath 输出的图片大小尺寸变形[图片] 原始图片是 400x500 的网格图,就是红色框内的样子。 红色框内是在 canvas 上绘制的等比例原图,蓝色框内是通过 wx.canvasToTempFilePath 输出的图片分片,但是生成的图片比例大小明显和 canvas 不一致,是哪里的问题? <canvas type="2d" id="canvas" style="width:{{containerW}};height:{{containerH}}"></canvas> <view class="grid" style="width:{{containerW}};height:{{containerH}}"> <view class="cell" wx:for="{{pieces}}" style="width:{{item.width}};height:{{item.height}}"> <image src="{{item.src}}" /> </view> </view> Page({ data: { containerW: '', containerH: '', pieces: [], }, onReady() { const cols = 4; const rows = 5; const containerW = wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth * .5; const containerH = containerW * rows / cols; this.setData({ containerW: `${containerW}px`, containerH: `${containerH}px`, }); wx .createSelectorQuery() .select('#canvas') .fields({ node: true }) .exec((res) => { const canvas = res[0].node; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); const img = canvas.createImage(); canvas.width = 400; canvas.height = 500; img.onload = () => { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); const promises = []; const cellW = containerW / cols; const cellH = containerH / rows; for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < cols; col++) { promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ x: col * cellW, y: row * cellH, width: cellW, height: cellH, canvas, fileType: 'jpg', success: res => resolve({ width: `${cellW}px`, height: `${cellH}px`, src: res.tempFilePath, }), fail: res => reject(new Error(res.errMsg)), }); })); } } Promise.all(promises).then(pieces => this.setData({ pieces })); }; img.src = 'pic.png'; }); }, });
movable-view内嵌套canvas,但lineTo等画图功能在开发者工具可以,真机无效?手机安卓,基础库版本2.21.0。 <movable-area scale-area> <movable-view direction="none" bindchange="onChange" bindscale="onScale" scale scale-min="0.5" scale-max="10" scale-value="{{scale}}"> <canvas canvas-id="canvas" class="canvas" bindtouchstart='touchstart' bindtouchmove='touchmove'></canvas> </movable-view> </movable-area> 放大缩小是正常的,但是使用bindtouchstart和bindtouchmove画线的时候,开发者工具可以,真机没有线条。
canvas在movable-view里面不能用- 当前 Bug 的表现(可附上截图) canvas放在movable-view里面不能用。 1.在vanvas上写涂鸦 2.使用按钮放大或者缩小movable-view,movable-view里面的canvas也会随之放大和缩小,但是canvas上的涂鸦会丢失 [图片] [图片] - 预期表现 - 复现路径 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/s/sq4wJRmF7T8A - 提供一个最简复现 Demo
2022-01-21我已经主动推送, APPID:wxaed1cb13b10866c9
mlvb-live-room按照demo创建房间后没有视频,退出房间失败?mlvb-live-room 按照demo创建房间 let roomName = self.data.ubdetail.business_title + self.data.ubdetail.ubid var url = 'room?type=create&roomName=' + roomName + '&userName=' + self.data.userinfo.nickname + '&pureAudio=' + self.data.pureAudio + '&roomID=' + self.data.ubdetail.ubid; wx.redirectTo({ url: url }); wx.showToast({ title: '进入房间', icon: 'success', duration: 1000 }) self.setData({ 'tapTime': nowTime }); 控制台提示:获取推流地址成功, 进入后按照demo的写法,mlvb-live-room.start(),控制台打印组件的房间号为2 但是只有个背景图,视频不出来。 按返回键退出房间后,提示: 退出推流失败:delete pusher need room id,but not in body 减少观众请求失败: del audience need room id,but not in body 明明组件是带房间号的啊。 另外demo里创建房间为什么没写房间号? if (role == 'audience') { self.setData({ roomID: options.roomID, roomName: options.roomName, userName: options.userName, role: role, showLiveRoom: true }, function () { self.start(); }) } else { self.setData({ roomName: options.roomName, userName: options.userName, pureAudio: JSON.parse(options.pureAudio), role: role, showLiveRoom: true }, function () { console.log('======> page data: ', self.data) self.start(); }) }
wx.navigateToMiniProgram跳转如何获取对方小程序的路径和参数?wx.navigateToMiniProgram跳转到另外一个小程序的某个页面,如何获取另外小程序的页面路径和参数? 目前是想在本小程序跳转到腾讯投票特定的投票页面。
2020-10-15代码片段 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/s/n6ldUtmU7ggi
使用lottie-miniprogram导入动画后,动画大小不正常?使用lottie-miniprogram,基础库2.10.4,导入动画后,设置Canvas大小后,动画大小变形,保持Canvas默认大小,就正常。 目前需要动画全屏播放,但是只有如下图大小。Canvas设置了width:100vw;height:100vh; [图片]