- 这是什么原因?
Cannot create property 'msg' on string '' TypeError: Cannot create property 'msg' on string '' at eval (weapp:///pages/address/address.js:88:22) at success (weapp:///Base.js:36:19) at Function.i.(anonymous function) (debug:///[publib]:2:1877760) at h (debug:///[publib]:2:120991) at eval (debug:///[publib]:2:121816) at A (debug:///[publib]:2:602617) at Function.eval (debug:///[publib]:2:801569) at h (debug:///[publib]:2:120991) at eval (debug:///[publib]:2:121816) at eval (debug:///[publib]:2:763559)
2020-08-14 - 如何获取登录?
@import "../../../__wuBaseWxss__/5.wxss"; .com-down .subtitle { font-size: 24rpx; color: #999; } .com-down .image-32 { width: 32rpx; height: 32rpx; } image { vertical-align: top; } .com-down .fui-list-media image { width: 80rpx; height: 80rpx; border-radius: 50%; } .com-down .fui-list-inner .row { font-size: 28rpx; } .com-down .row-remark { text-align: right; position: relative; flex-shrink: 0; padding-left: 25rpx; min-width: 150rpx; color: #000; font-size: 24rpx; } 这是什么原因?如何修改?谢谢 [图片]
2020-08-05 - 这是什么原因?提交了几次都不能通过审核,
Cannot read property 'avatarUrl' of undefined; [Component] Event Handler Error @ pages/login/login#bound getUser TypeError: Cannot read property 'avatarUrl' of undefined at Se.getUser (https://usr/app-service.js:8802:126) at Object.r.safeCallback (https://lib/WASubContext.js:2:1345768) at https://lib/WASubContext.js:2:1465383 at r (https://lib/WASubContext.js:2:1417731) at https://lib/WASubContext.js:2:1417919 at https://lib/WASubContext.js:2:605325