- ios17.3以上版本 微信小程序扫码插件扫描问题
ios 17.3以上版本使用微信小程序二维码扫描插件偶尔出现扫描出来的地址缺少字母问题 ios 相机扫码也存在此问题。 [图片] 真实地址https://www.coreforce.cn/b?n=XN525634 出现错误的地址字符串https://coreforce.cn/?n=XN525634
03-18 - 如何解决wx.uploadFile上传到后台出现我们后台看不到图片的问题?
wx.uploadFile 调试基础库 2.25.3 问题很严重 ,每天都用用户反馈上传成功,但是后台看不到数据。ios 比较多 android 也有,我看之前也有很多人遇到,但是你们好像一直都没有解决,请重视此问题。 wx.chooseMedia({ count: 1, mediaType: ['image', 'video'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], sizeType:['compressed'], maxDuration: 30, camera: 'back', success(res) { console.log(res.tempFiles.tempFilePath) console.log(res.tempFiles.tempFilePath) if (params == 0) { var nextParams = { path: res.tempFiles[0].tempFilePath, type: 'idCardPic' } list.push(nextParams); that.setData({ uploadIdFront: true, idFrontPath: res.tempFiles[0].tempFilePath, upLoadData: list, }) } else if (params == 1) { var nextParams = { path: res.tempFiles[0].tempFilePath, type: 'idCardBackPic' } list.push(nextParams); that.setData({ uploadIdReverse: true, idReversePath: res.tempFiles[0].tempFilePath, upLoadData: list, }) } else if (params == 2) { var nextParams = { path: res.tempFiles[0].tempFilePath, type: 'personPic' } list.push(nextParams); that.setData({ uploadIdHandHeld: true, idHandHeldPath: res.tempFiles[0].tempFilePath, upLoadData: list, }) } } }) }, confirm() { this.upLoadPic(this.data.upLoadData[0]) }, upLoadPic(params) { var that = this wx.uploadFile({ url: HOST_PATH + '/member/auth/mini', filePath: params.path, name: 'file', formData: { 'requestNo': util.getRandomNum(), 'token': wx.getStorageSync(TOKEN), 'realName': this.data.userName, 'idCard': this.data.userId, 'type': params.type }, success(res) { console.log(res) if (params.type == 'idCardPic') { that.upLoadPic(that.data.upLoadData[1]) } else if (params.type == 'idCardBackPic') { that.upLoadPic(that.data.upLoadData[2]) } else if (params.type == 'personPic') { wx.hideLoading(); wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '上传成功,请耐心等待审核结果', showCancel: false, complete: (res) => { wx.navigateBack({ //返回上个页面 }) } }) } }, fail(e) { wx.showToast({ title: e, icon: 'none', }) } }) },
2023-04-14 - 微信小程序map组件,地图加载后marker标记点ios设备不显示,怎么解决?
你们这个ios显示问题我看之前的贴子出现过很多次了android就没问题,为什么到现在解决不了,用户找到我们我们都不知道怎么办 清查看以下 addMarkers方法 iphone各个机型都有出现过,最新的14也出现过,请尽快回复 目标显示效果点聚合 [图片] const app = getApp(); const img = '../../image/the_cabinet_loaction.png' const city = require('./../../utils/cityCode.js'); var bmap = require('../../libs/bmap-wx.js'); const api = require('../../api/api.js'); import { PHONE_TYPE, TOKEN } from '../../config/appConfig'; /** * 首页地图 */ Component({ data: { barInfo: app.globalData.barInfo, latitude: '36.062007', longitude: '120.384893', markers: [], //个人位置 cabinetMarkers: [], //换电柜marker batteryListData: [], batteryImg: '', batteryInfohidden: true, scanCabinetNumber: '', //扫描柜子租电池得到柜子编号 cabinetData: [], selCabinetIndex: 0, certification: true, //是否实名认证 timer: '', timer2: '', //第一次进入 是否交互完毕 loadFristEnd: false, hiddenAgreement: true, //用户是否点击过用户协议的确定 recentlyCabinet: null, //用户距离最近的换电柜 }, pageLifetimes: { show: function () { this.mapCtx = wx.createMapContext('mapId') if (typeof this.getTabBar === 'function' && this.getTabBar()) { this.getTabBar().setData({ selected: 0 }) }; this.setData({ barInfo: app.globalData.barInfo }) this.getUserLocation() if (this.data.scanCabinetNumber != '') { this.getCabinetScanRent() } }, detached: function () { this.endTimer(this.data.timer) this.endTimer(this.data.timer2) }, }, methods: { openuserprotocol: function () { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../../packageB/pages/userAgreement/userAgreement', }) }, /** * 获取用户位置 */ getUserLocation: function () { var that = this var location = '' wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', isHighAccuracy: true, success(res) { if (that.data.timer2 != '') { that.endTimer(that.data.timer2) } that.setData({ latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude }) location = res.latitude + ',' + res.longitude; //更新用户Markers that.onRefrshMarkers(location) if (that.data.loadFristEnd == false) { //小程序第一次加载 wx.showLoading({ title: '正在加载资源...', mask: true }); that.data.timer2 = setInterval( //开启一个定时器,防止第一次进入app.js获取的token不能及时获取 function () { var token = wx.getStorageSync(TOKEN); if (token !== null && that.data.loadFristEnd == false) { wx.hideLoading(); that.setData({ loadFristEnd: true, }); that.getOtherData(location); } }, 2000); } else { that.getOtherData(location) } }, fail: function (res) { wx.showToast({ title: '获取您的位置信息失败,请检查位置服务是否开启', }) }, }) }, getOtherData: function (params) { //获取用户城市信息 this.getCityCode(params) //获取用户信息 this.getUserMember() //获取用户电池数据 this.getUserbatteryData() //开启定时器 每三分钟重启重新查询一遍电池信息 this.startTimer() }, startTimer: function () { if (this.data.timer != '') { this.endTimer(this.data.timer) } var that = this; that.data.timer = setInterval( function () { that.getUserbatteryData() }, 180000); }, /** * 结束定时器 */ endTimer: function (params) { clearTimeout(params) }, /** * 隐藏未实名认证提示 * @param {*} params */ hintCertification: function (params) { this.setData({ certification: true }) }, getUserMember: function (params) { var that = this api.userMember().then(res => { var certification = false if (res.body.member.isAuth == 1) { certification = true } else { certification = false } app.globalData.userAgreement = res.body.member.agreement that.setData({ hiddenAgreement: res.body.member.agreement, certification: certification }) }) }, bindItme: function (event) { let index = event.currentTarget.dataset.index; this.setData({ selCabinetIndex: index }) }, /** * 选择套餐取消 * @param {*} params */ selCabinetCanncel: function (params) { this.setData({ cabinetData: [] }) }, /** * 用户不同意协议 */ userprotocolCancel: function () { this.setData({ hiddenAgreement: true }) }, /** * 用户同意协议 */ selCabinetConfirm: function () { this.setData({ hiddenAgreement: true }) api.agreement({}).then(res => { app.globalData.userAgreement = true }) }, /** * 选择套餐确定 * @param {*} params */ selCabinetConfirm: function (params) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../../packageA/pages/batteryrental/batteryrental?batteryNumber=' + this.data.cabinetData[this.data.selCabinetIndex].batteryNumber, }) this.setData({ cabinetData: [] }) }, /** * 扫获取电池数据 * @param {*} params */ getCabinetScanRent: function (params) { var that = this api.cabinetScanRent({ cabinetNumber: this.data.scanCabinetNumber }).then(res => { var map = new HashMap(); res.body.list.forEach((item) => { if (!map.containsKey(item.batteryPlanId)) { //不存在key map.put(item.batteryPlanId, item) } else { //存在key var data = map.get(item.batteryPlanId) if (parseInt(data.batteryCapacityPercent) < parseInt(item.batteryCapacityPercent)) { map.remove(item.batteryPlanId) map.put(item.batteryPlanId, item) } } }) that.setData({ cabinetData: map.values() }) }) this.setData({ scanCabinetNumber: '', }) }, /** * 查看详情 * @param {*} params */ batteryinfo: function (params) { if (this.data.recentlyCabinet == null) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../../packageA/pages/batteryinfo/batteryInfo?battery=' + JSON.stringify(this.data.batteryListData) }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../../packageA/pages/batteryinfo/batteryInfo?battery=' + JSON.stringify(this.data.batteryListData) + '&minCabinetMarker=' + JSON.stringify(this.data.recentlyCabinet) }) } }, // 根据经纬度计算距离,参数分别为第一点的纬度,经度;第二点的纬度,经度 getDistance: function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) { var radLat1 = this.rad(lat1); var radLat2 = this.rad(lat2); var a = radLat1 - radLat2; var b = this.rad(lng1) - this.rad(lng2); var s = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(a / 2), 2) + Math.cos(radLat1) * Math.cos(radLat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(b / 2), 2))); s = s * 6378.137; // EARTH_RADIUS; s = Math.round(s * 10000) / 10000; //输出为公里 var distance = s; var distance_str = ""; if (parseInt(distance) >= 1) { distance_str = distance.toFixed(1) + "km"; } else { distance_str = distance * 1000 + "m"; } //s=s.toFixed(4); return s; }, rad: function (d) { return d * Math.PI / 180.0; }, /** * 获取用户数据 */ getUserbatteryData: function () { var that = this var batteryInfohidden api.batteryList().then(res => { wx.setStorageSync('batteryListData', JSON.stringify(res.body.pageResult.dataList)) var batteryImg; if (res.body.pageResult.dataList.length == 0) { batteryInfohidden = true } else { batteryInfohidden = false var remainCapacity = parseInt(res.body.pageResult.dataList[0].remainCapacity) var marker = { latitude: parseFloat(res.body.pageResult.dataList[0].gdLat), longitude: parseFloat(res.body.pageResult.dataList[0].gdLon), iconPath: '../../image/my_bar_icon.png', width: '100rpx', height: '90rpx', } //电池位置 var newMarkers = that.data.markers; if (newMarkers.length != 1) { newMarkers.splice(1, 1) } newMarkers.push(marker); this.setData({ markers: newMarkers }) if (100 >= remainCapacity && remainCapacity >= 81) { batteryImg = '../../image/home_bar_one_icon.png' } else if (80 >= remainCapacity && remainCapacity >= 61) { batteryImg = '../../image/home_bar_two_icon.png' } else if (60 >= remainCapacity && remainCapacity >= 41) { batteryImg = '../../image/home_bar_three_icon.png' } else if (40 >= remainCapacity && remainCapacity >= 21) { batteryImg = '../../image/home_bar_fore_icon.png' } else if (20 >= remainCapacity && remainCapacity >= 0) { batteryImg = '../../image/home_bar_five_icon.png' } } that.setData({ batteryListData: res.body.pageResult.dataList, batteryImg: batteryImg, batteryInfohidden: batteryInfohidden }) }) }, //刷新用户marker onRefrshMarkers: function (params) { var location = params.split(',') var marker = { latitude: parseFloat(location[0]), longitude: parseFloat(location[1]), } var newMarkers = [] newMarkers.push(marker); this.setData({ markers: newMarkers }) }, //根据地理坐标获取城市信息 getCityCode: function (params) { //百度地图逆地理解析 var BMap = new bmap.BMapWX({ ak: 'NT5RGc7RNjH9qftVVmBMG5B80YkQQMbk' }); var that = this; BMap.regeocoding({ location: params, success: function (res) { //根据算法获取选中的城市code const cityData = city.getDistinct(res.originalData.result.addressComponent.province, res.originalData.result.addressComponent.city, res.originalData.result.addressComponent.district); // 目前用省市区中的市作为接口调用的cityCode if (app.globalData.homePageSelCityData == cityData.cityCode) { return } app.globalData.homePageSelCityData = cityData.cityCode that.getCabinetList(cityData.cityCode) }, fail: function () { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '请检查位置服务是否开启', }) }, }); }, /** * 获取。。。信息 * @param {*} params */ getCabinetList: function (params) { var that = this api.cabinetList({ cityCode: params, }).then(res => { that.getRecentlyMarker(res); that.addMarkers(res) }) }, /** * 获取用户最近。。。数据 * @param {*} params */ getRecentlyMarker: function (params) { var newCabinetMarkers = [] params.body.list.forEach((item) => { if (item.onLine && item.batteryCount != 0) { newCabinetMarkers.push(item) } }) if (newCabinetMarkers.length == 0) { } else { //准备一个新的数组存放所有距离差值 var Distance = [] newCabinetMarkers.forEach((item) => { var latitude = item.bdLat == null ? parseFloat(item.gdLat) : parseFloat(item.bdLat); var longitude = item.bdLon == null ? parseFloat(item.gdLon) : parseFloat(item.bdLon); Distance.push(this.getDistance(this.data.markers[0].latitude, this.data.markers[0].longitude, latitude, longitude)) }) //最小距离 var minNum = Math.min(...Distance) //最小距离下标 var intdex = Distance.indexOf(minNum) var minCabinetMarker = newCabinetMarkers[intdex] app.globalData.recentlyCabinet = minCabinetMarker this.setData({ recentlyCabinet: minCabinetMarker }) } }, /** * 点聚合 * @param {*} params */ addMarkers: function (params) { var markerIds = [] this.data.cabinetMarkers.forEach((item, i) => { markerIds.push(parseFloat(item.id)) }) this.mapCtx.removeMarkers({ markerIds, clear: false, complete(res) { } }) const markers = [] params.body.list.forEach((item, i) => { const marker = { id: parseFloat(item.id), iconPath: img, width: 50, height: 50, latitude: item.bdLat == null ? parseFloat(item.gdLat) : parseFloat(item.bdLat), longitude: item.bdLon == null ? parseFloat(item.gdLon) : parseFloat(item.bdLon), joinCluster: true, // 指定了该参数才会参与聚合 label: { content: item.batteryCount.toString(), fontSize: 15, width: 50, height: 50, color: item.onLine ? '#ffffff' : '#2E579C', bgColor: item.onLine ? '#2E579C' : '#D3D3D3', borderRadius: 100, textAlign: 'center', anchorX: wx.getStorageSync(PHONE_TYPE) == 'android' ? -27 : -1, anchorY: -52, } } markers.push(marker) }) this.setData({ cabinetMarkers: params.body.list }) this.mapCtx.addMarkers({ markers, clear: false, complete(res) { }, success(){ }, fail(){ wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '很抱歉,。。。。。', showCancel: false, complete: (res) => {} }) } }) }, onMarkerTap(e) { }, /** * 换电柜详情 * @param {*} e */ onLabelTap(e) { this.data.cabinetMarkers.forEach((item) => { if (item.id === e.markerId) { if (!item.onLine) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '当前换电柜不在线,请重新选择换电柜', showCancel: false, complete: (res) => {} }) return } if (item.batteryCount == 0) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '当前换电柜内电池不可用或不与您的电池型号相同,请重新选择换电柜', showCancel: false, complete: (res) => {} }) return } wx.navigateTo({ url: '../../packageA/pages/thecabinet/theCabinet?id=' + item.id + '&number=' + item.number, }); } }) } } }) function HashMap() { //定义长度 var length = 0; //创建一个对象 var obj = new Object(); //判断Map是否为空 this.isEmpty = function () { return length == 0; } //判断对象中是否包含给定Key this.containsKey = function (key) { return (key in obj); } //判断对象中是否包含给定的Value this.containsValue = function (value) { for (var key in obj) { if (obj[key] == value) { return true; } } return false; } //向map中添加数据 this.put = function (key, value) { if (!this.containsKey(key)) { length++; } obj[key] = value; } //根据给定的key获取Value this.get = function (key) { return this.containsKey(key) ? obj[key] : null; } //根据给定的Key删除一个值 this.remove = function (key) { if (this.containsKey(key) && (delete obj[key])) { length--; } } //获得Map中所有的value this.values = function () { var _values = new Array(); for (var key in obj) { _values.push(obj[key]); } return _values; } //获得Map中的所有key this.keySet = function () { var _keys = new Array(); for (var key in obj) { _keys.push(key); } return _keys; } //获得Map的长度 this.size = function () { return length; } //清空Map this.clear = function () { length = 0; obj = new Object(); } }
2023-03-21 - 微信小程序 wx.login({
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/ wx.login在.app.js 的onLaunch中不能正常使用,安卓测试手机.小米noto11pro 在预览中没有问题