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- 我想上线招聘类的小程序需要什么条件?
2020-03-11 - What are requirenment for online rectuiting MP?
Hello everyone, I would like to create an online recruiting mini-program. Does anybody know what requirements for this app are? What document or anything else is required? 我想上线招聘类的小程序需要什么条件
2020-03-11 - Who can help me create a small mini-program?
Hello everyone. Can you help me create a small mini-program? Or maybe you know someone who is freelancing and can help me for a reasonable price? Thank you
2020-01-14 - No test account information
Hello. I am trying to do my first steps in development of WeChat Mini Program. I am trying to use test account https://developers.weixin.qq.com/sandbox here and when I scan QR code with my wechat I get blank AppID. What am I doing wrong? [图片] Thank you