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- 请问Chaining API 何时支持
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/custom-component/glass-easel/chaining-api.html 文档中并未说明无法使用。使用最新开发版ide,无法获得语法支持,自然也无法编译在真机中使用。并且查阅和.ts文件也并未发现相关代码。
2023-08-05 - 云托管部署失败?
flask项目部署很久结果报出以下日志, [2023-03-21 12:22:12] Sending interrupt signal to process [2023-03-21 12:22:12] Aborted by coding [2023-03-21 12:22:14] Terminated [2023-03-21 12:22:14] script returned exit code 143 [2023-03-21 12:22:14] [Pipeline] } [2023-03-21 12:22:14] [Pipeline] // stage [2023-03-21 12:22:14] [Pipeline] } [2023-03-21 12:22:14] [Pipeline] // node [2023-03-21 12:22:14] [Pipeline] End of Pipeline [2023-03-21 12:22:14] Finished: ABORTED