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- 微信小程序分享自己能看到图片别人看不到?
onShareAppMessage: function (res) { return { title: '[语音红包]恭喜发财,大吉大利!', path: '/pages/redenvelopes/redenvelopes?id=' + this.data.myid, imageUrl: this.data.shareimg } }
2018-07-24 - 报警平台收到一些莫名的报警,请前辈们帮忙解答下
1、APP-SERVICE-SDK:Can not set wx.backgroundAudio.title, background audio is preempted 2、 APP-SERVICE-SDK:setStorageSync:fail set DB data fail 3、Attempted to assign to readonly property.;at App isfailure function;at api request success callback function