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云函数调用失败?本地云函数调用提示。doc.get:fail DATABASE_COLLECTION_NOT_EXIST [ResourceNotFound] Db or Table not exist. Please check your request, but if the problem cannot be solved, contact us. 但collection其实是存在的。 Error: errCode: -404011 cloud function execution error | errMsg: cloud.callFunction:fail requestID local_debug_fbda3dc4-bb93-4ad2-ae99-a8b910516d6d, cloud function service error code -1, error message errCode: -1 unknown error | errMsg: document.get:fail Error: 400 Bad Request ; at document.get api; ; at cloud.callFunction api; appid:wx392c91ee475a963f。 环境id:happy-plane-8xai3