- 企业付款到零钱报错 The cURL request was retried 3 times and
The cURL request was retried 3 times and did not succeed. The most likely reason for the failure is that cURL was unable to rewind the body of the request and subsequent retries resulted in the same error. Turn on the debug option to see what went wrong. See https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47204 for more information." 而且文档https://gitee.com/TheNorthMemory/wechatpay-php/blob/v1.1/README.md中说的用 'mchid' => '1900000109',// 注意这个商户号,key是`mchid`非`mch_id` 我用mchid,报错,加上了mch_id又报上面的错误了, 麻烦解答一下这个问题,感谢
2021-12-19 - GitHub提供的示例 企业付款到零钱 无法使用
返回错误 New features are all in `APIv3`, there's no reason to continue use this kind client since v2.0. use WeChatPay\Transformer; $res = $instance ->v2->mmpaymkttransfers->promotion->transfers ->postAsync([ 'xml' => [ 'mch_appid' => 'wx8888888888888888', 'mchid' => '1900000109',// 注意这个商户号,key是`mchid`非`mch_id` 'partner_trade_no' => '10000098201411111234567890', 'openid' => 'oxTWIuGaIt6gTKsQRLau2M0yL16E', 'check_name' => 'FORCE_CHECK', 're_user_name' => '王小王', 'amount' => '10099', 'desc' => '理赔', 'spbill_create_ip' => '', ], 'security' => true, //请求需要双向证书 'debug' => true //开启调试模式 ]) ->then(static function($response) { return Transformer::toArray((string)$response->getBody()); }) ->otherwise(static function($e) { // 更多`$e`异常类型判断是必须的,这里仅列出一种可能情况,请根据实际对接过程调整并增加 if ($e instanceof \GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException) { return Transformer::toArray((string)$e->getReason()->getBody()); } return []; }) ->wait(); print_r($res); https://github.com/wechatpay-apiv3/wechatpay-php
2021-10-01 - composer下载的sdk报错
The `certs(6A6E5AAC998C7E1C1C2BE4DA332EEEF8CE3FE16E)` contains the merchant's certificate serial number(6A6E5AAC998C7E1C1C2BE4DA332EEEF8CE3FE16E) which is not allowed here.
2021-07-30 - 可以从商户平台直接获取到,从哪里获取?$merchantCertificateSerial
2021-07-29 - unable to get local issuer certificate
用的是https://github.com/wechatpay-apiv3/wechatpay-php 中的, 第一个示例, 证书那里就一直有问题,一直提示cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/pay/transactions/native尝试了php.ini的curl.cainfo的设置 和去掉curl_set的方法, 我在程序中没有看到curl_set的方法