小程序用canvas做手写签名的时候wx.canvasToTempFilePath在安卓端报错?安卓端报错canvasToTempFilePath:fail height is 0 但是ios端是正常的。 wxml代码: <view class="signature"> <view class="text">安全须知确认签字:</view> <view class="text">本人已经阅读相应安全告知,并对本次进港人员进行了传达。</view> <view class="start" bindtap="showSignature" wx:if="{{ !imgUrl }}">点击签名</view> <van-image width="{{ windowWidth }}" height="200" wx:if="{{ imgUrl }}" src="{{ imgUrl }}"/> </view> <van-popup show="{{ signatureShow }}" position="bottom" bind:close="onSignatureClose"> <view class="signName"> <canvas id="canvas" type="2d" class="canva" bindtouchstart="canvasStart" bindtouchmove="canvasMove" bindtouchend="canvasEnd" touchcancel="canvasEnd" binderror="canvasIdErrorCallback" style="width: {{windowWidth}}px; height: 200px;"></canvas> </view> <view style="padding: 10px;"> <view style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;"> <van-button type="primary" bind:click="uploadImg">确认签名</van-button> <van-button type="warning" bind:click="cleardraw">清除签名</van-button> </view> </view> </van-popup> js代码: // 点击“点击签名”按钮的时候弹出签名popup,随后初始化Canvas showSignature: function() { wx.setStorageSync('draw', false) let that = this this.setData({ signatureShow: true }) setTimeout(function () { that.initCanvas() }, 500) }, // 初始化 initCanvas() { const query = wx.createSelectorQuery() query.select('#canvas') .fields({ node: true, size: true }) .exec((res) => { console.log(res[0]) // 此处输出:{width: 375, height: 200, nodeCanvasType: "2d", node: {id: 97167}} const canvas = res[0].node this.setData({ canvas: canvas }) context = canvas.getContext('2d') context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF' context.strokeStyle = '#444' context.lineWidth = 4 context.lineCap = 'round' context.lineJoin = 'round' //设置width和height手写位置才不会发生偏移 canvas.width = wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth canvas.height = 200 }) }, // 保存签名图片 uploadImg() { var that = this var draw = wx.getStorageSync('draw') if (!draw) { Toast('请完成签名!') return } wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ x: 100, y: 200, width: wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth, height: 200, destWidth: wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth, destHeight: 200, canvas: this.data.canvas,//画布标识,传入 canvas 组件实例 (canvas type="2d" 时使用该属性)。 success(res) { // 此处省略的上传图片到服务器的代码 that.setData({ signatureShow: false }) //关闭签名popup }, fail(err) { console.log(err) // 此处输出报错内容:canvasToTempFilePath:fail height is 0 wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: err.errMsg, showCancel: false }) } }) }