- 复杂瀑布流长列表页踩坑记录,内存不足问题【2】
第二期来啦,带来了新的方案和代码片段~ 第一期点此查看 上期问题 经过一系列的实践,上期的方案有些问题,其中最麻烦的就是,需要对外传递一个当前index,然后控制前后数据展示;这里对于每个用到[代码]skeleton[代码]组件的页面来说,都要重复的写一个方法来承接这个index,然后渲染页面对应的数据。 优化 依然是监听[代码]skeleton[代码]曝光,这里监听的方案变为出现在屏幕上下[代码]n[代码]屏的内容块进行展示,此范围外的内容块就卸载掉。 核心代码 [代码] // 修改了监听是否显示内容的方法,改为前后showNum屏高度渲染 // 监听进入屏幕的范围relativeToViewport({top: xxx, bottom: xxx}) let info = SystemInfo.getInfo() //获取系统信息 let { windowHeight = 667 } = info.source.system let showNum = 2 //超过屏幕的数量,目前这个设置是上下2屏 let listItemContainer = this.createIntersectionObserver() listItemContainer.relativeToViewport({ top: showNum * windowHeight, bottom: showNum * windowHeight }) .observe(`#list-item-${this.data.skeletonId}`, (res) => { // 此处来控制slot展示,详见代码片段 }) [代码] 干货 话不多说,干货放后面,点击获取代码片段
2019-12-05 - 小程序实现列表拖拽排序
小程序列表拖拽排序 [图片] wxml [代码]<view class='listbox'> <view class='list kelong' hidden='{{!showkelong}}' style='top:{{kelong.top}}px'> <view class='index'>?</view> <image src='{{kelong.xt}}' class='xt'></image> <view class='info'> <view class="name">{{kelong.name}}</view> <view class='sub-name'>{{kelong.subname}}</view> </view> <image src='/images/sl_36.png' class='more'></image> </view> <view class='list' wx:for="{{optionList}}" wx:key=""> <view class='index'>{{index+1}}</view> <image src='{{item.xt}}' class='xt'></image> <view class='info'> <view class="name">{{item.name}}</view> <view class='sub-name'>{{item.subname}}</view> </view> <image src='/images/sl_36.png' class='more'></image> <view class='moreiconpl' data-index='{{index}}' catchtouchstart='dragStart' catchtouchmove='dragMove' catchtouchend='dragEnd'></view> </view> </view> [代码] wxss [代码].map-list .list { position: relative; height: 120rpx; } .map-list .list::after { content: ''; width: 660rpx; height: 2rpx; background-color: #eee; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; } .map-list .list .xt { display: block; width: 95rpx; height: 77rpx; position: absolute; left: 93rpx; top: 20rpx; } .map-list .list .more { display: block; width: 48rpx; height: 38rpx; position: absolute; right: 30rpx; top: 40rpx; } .map-list .list .info { display: block; width: 380rpx; height: 80rpx; position: absolute; left: 220rpx; top: 20rpx; font-size: 30rpx; } .map-list .list .info .sub-name { font-size: 28rpx; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: #646567; } .map-list .list .index { color: #e4463b; font-size: 32rpx; font-weight: bold; position: absolute; left: 35rpx; top: 40rpx; } [代码] js [代码]data:{ kelong: { top: 0, xt: '', name: '', subname: '' }, replace: { xt: '', name: '', subname: '' }, }, dragStart: function(e) { var that = this var kelong = that.data.kelong var i = e.currentTarget.dataset.index kelong.xt = this.data.optionList[i].xt kelong.name = this.data.optionList[i].name kelong.subname = this.data.optionList[i].subname var query = wx.createSelectorQuery(); //选择id query.select('.listbox').boundingClientRect(function(rect) { // console.log(rect.top) kelong.top = e.changedTouches[0].clientY - rect.top - 30 that.setData({ kelong: kelong, showkelong: true }) }).exec(); }, dragMove: function(e) { var that = this var i = e.currentTarget.dataset.index var query = wx.createSelectorQuery(); var kelong = that.data.kelong var listnum = that.data.optionList.length var optionList = that.data.optionList query.select('.listbox').boundingClientRect(function(rect) { kelong.top = e.changedTouches[0].clientY - rect.top - 30 if(kelong.top < -60) { kelong.top = -60 } else if (kelong.top > rect.height) { kelong.top = rect.height - 60 } that.setData({ kelong: kelong, }) }).exec(); }, dragEnd: function(e) { var that = this var i = e.currentTarget.dataset.index var query = wx.createSelectorQuery(); var kelong = that.data.kelong var listnum = that.data.optionList.length var optionList = that.data.optionList query.select('.listbox').boundingClientRect(function (rect) { kelong.top = e.changedTouches[0].clientY - rect.top - 30 if(kelong.top<-20){ wx.showModal({ title: '删除提示', content: '确定要删除此条记录?', confirmColor:'#e4463b' }) } var target = parseInt(kelong.top / 60) var replace = that.data.replace if (target >= 0) { replace.xt = optionList[target].xt replace.name = optionList[target].name replace.subname = optionList[target].subname optionList[target].xt = optionList[i].xt optionList[target].name = optionList[i].name optionList[target].subname = optionList[i].subname optionList[i].xt = replace.xt optionList[i].name = replace.name optionList[i].subname = replace.subname } that.setData({ optionList: optionList, showkelong:false }) }).exec(); }, [代码]