- 视频客服怎么做?
2020-02-01 - 系统异常是什么鬼?
2020-01-19 - 小程序跳转不了小游戏,还是说我的方法有问题?
2020-01-15 - 小程序接入阿拉丁sdk后返回的参数都是什么意思?
[图片] 就比如ak、at、br这些
2020-01-08 - 使用阿拉丁接入sdk后,渠道号怎么获取?
2020-01-06 - 我想知道小程序的用户授权登录是写在app.js中好些还是自己封装写好点?
2020-01-06 - wx.canvasToTempFilePath is not a function 报错?
onReady: function () { var that = this //雷达图 that.drawRadar() }, // 雷达图 drawRadar: function () { var that = this console.log(app.globalData.queryBean) var zx = app.globalData.queryBean.resultList[].eachItemScore.nameMatchingScore var zy = app.globalData.queryBean.resultList[].eachItemScore.specialNameScore var wg = app.globalData.queryBean.resultList[].eachItemScore.mathematicalGoodOrIllScore var yl = app.globalData.queryBean.resultList[].eachItemScore.syllableToneScore var wx = app.globalData.queryBean.resultList[].eachItemScore.luckyUseGodScore var sx = app.globalData.queryBean.resultList[].eachItemScore.chineseZodiacScore var sourceData1 = [ [".", zx], [".", zy], [".", wg], [".", yl], [".", wx], [".", sx] ] // var sourceData2 = this.data.chanelArray2 //调用 that.drawEdge() //画六边形 //this.drawArcEdge() //画圆 that.drawLinePoint() //设置数据 that.drawRegion(sourceData1, 'rgba(197, 76, 76, 0.637)') //第一个人的 // this.drawRegion(sourceData2, 'rgba(255, 200, 0, 0.5)') //第二个人 //设置文本数据 that.drawTextCans(sourceData1) //设置节点 that.drawCircle(sourceData1, 'rgba(197, 76, 76, 0.637)' // this.drawCircle(sourceData2, 'yellow') //开始绘制 radCtx.draw( false, () => { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ // x: 0, // y: 0, // width: 670, // height: 959, // destWidth: 2010, // destHeight: 2877, canvasId: 'radarCanvas' success: function (res) { console.log(res.tempFilePath) var tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; that.setData({ imgfile: tempFilePath, canvashiden: true }); }, fail: function (res) { console.log(res); } }); } ) }, 调用了 drawRadar()就会报错