- 真机调试 Error: Invalid array length报错?是什么原因呢
版本是1.06.240501 系统windows
2024-06-14 - Canvas 为啥创建失败?
之前canvas创建好好的然后模拟器正常运行,在我的手机上真机调试就报错。 手机微信版本: 8.0.42 手机基础库: 3.1.4 手机系统:IOS 17.1 VM13:2 SystemError (appServiceSDKScriptError) Cannot read property 'createCanvas' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'createCanvas' of undefined at y1 (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1567216) at new b1 (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1567839) at b3 (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1611032) at eval (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1611918) at Generator.next (<anonymous>) at n (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:3597) at s (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:3800) at G (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:70958) at eval (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:72585) at I (eval at Ce.t.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:40657)