https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/platform-capabilities/business-capabilities/guarantee/comment-plugin.html 调用报错提示 plugin.openComment success {errCode: 0, errMsg: ""} 编译报错提示 "plugin://wx82e6ae1175f264fa/test" has been used as another component or page. Please do not register multiple components or pages with the same alias.(env: Windows,mp,1.06.2401020; lib: 3.2.0) (anonymous) @ appservice.js:6505 (anonymous) @ appservice.js:6510 (anonymous) @ VM4710:1962 Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ VM4710:2 (anonymous) @ VM4710:1965 "plugin://wx82e6ae1175f264fa/index" has been used as another component or page. Please do not register multiple components or pages with the same alias.(env: Windows,mp,1.06.2401020; lib: 3.2.0)