scroll-view下拉刷新暴力使用后无法复位?官方scroll-view的例子,只是把列表的数据减少到不足一屏的数据就会产生这个问题 如图:下拉是可以复位的,只是快速拉暴力使用就会导致卡帧,loading卡在那复位不了 [图片] wxml <scroll-view scroll-y style="width: 100%; height: 100vh;" refresher-enabled="{{true}}" refresher-threshold="{{100}}" refresher-triggered="{{triggered}}" bindrefresherpulling="onPulling" bindrefresherrefresh="onRefresh" bindrefresherrestore="onRestore" bindrefresherabort="onAbort"> <view wx:for="{{arr}}" style="display: flex; height: 100px; background-color: #eee;"> </view> </scroll-view> js Page({ data: { arr: [], triggered: false, }, onReady: function () { const arr = [] for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) arr.push(i) this.setData({ arr }) setTimeout(() => { this.setData({ triggered: true, }) }, 1000) }, onPulling(e) { console.log(this.data.triggered); }, onRefresh() { if (this._freshing) return this._freshing = true setTimeout(() => { this.setData({ triggered: false, }) this._freshing = false }, 300) }, onRestore(e) { console.log(this.data.triggered); }, onAbort(e) { console.log(this.data.triggered); }, })
1天前24年12月19日也遇到了,ios 去掉动态设置的 refresher-enabled,并且去掉 enhanced 后 页面正常
2024-12-19我不是很熟悉小程序,但是 onStop 是不是 不应该在 stop 之后调用
小程序IOS端,长按录音松开停止,真机松开停止无效,会持续录音14秒左右自动停怎么改正?安卓端无异常这是WXML文件 recordingTimer:function(){ var that = this; that.data.setInter = setInterval( function(){ var time = that.data.recordingTimerqwe+1; if(time>60){ wx.showToast({ title: 'The recording time is up to one minute', duration:1500, mask:true }) clearInterval(that.data.setInter); that.shutRecording(); return; } that.setData({ recordingTimerqwe:time }) } ,1000); }, //为录音文件生成随机数 randomNum(minNum, maxNum) { switch (arguments.length) { case 1: return parseInt(Math.random() * minNum + 1, 10); break; case 2: return parseInt(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1) + minNum, 10); break; default: return 0; break; } }, openRecording:function(){ var that = this; // wx.getSystemInfo({ // success:function(res){ // } // }) recordManager.onStart(()=>{ console.log('[监听]....开始录音.....') }); recordManager.onFrameRecorded((res) => { const { frameBuffer } = res console.log('frameBuffer.byteLength', frameBuffer.byteLength) }) const options = { duration: 60000, //录音的时长,之前最大值好像只有1分钟,现在最长可以录音10分钟 format: 'mp3', //录音的格式,有aac和mp3两种 // } sampleRate:16000, numberOfChannels:1, encodeBitRate:96000, frameSize:50, } //that.recordingTimer(); recordManager.start(options); console.log('开始录音') // recordManager.onError((res)=>{ // console.log(res); // }) }, ontouchstart: function (e) { wx.vibrateLong();//震动 wx.showToast({//按后效果 title:'按住录音', duration:1000, mask:true, }) // 传到智聆,评测音频各参数,开始录音 this.openRecording(); app.globalData.manager.start({ content:this.data.content, evalMode: this.data.evalMode,//选择智聆评测模式,evalMode: 0,//评测模式,1:句子模式 0:词模式 scoreCoeff: this.data.scoreCoeff, serverType: this.data.serverType, storageMode: this.data.storageMode, soeAppId: this.data.soeAppId, textMode: this.data.textMode, duration: this.data.duration }); this.setData({ view: 1, }); // console.log('开始录音,view为',this.data.view); }, shutRecording: function(){ // async shutRecording(){ var that = this; // wx.getSystemInfo({ // }) recordManager.stop(); console.log('停止录音') recordManager.onStop((res)=>{ console.log('[监听]..停止录音...',res.tempFilePath) const{tempFilePath} =res; clearInterval(that.data.setInter); console.log(res) let time = parseInt(res.duration/1000); this.setData({ voice1:res, voiceTime:time, }) //上传临时录音文件进云存储 wx.cloud.uploadFile({ cloudPath:"studentvoice/"+app.globalData.username+"/"+that.randomNum(10000,99999)+'.mp3', filePath:res.tempFilePath, success: res => { console.log('[上传录音] 成功: ', res) this.setData({ voiceID: res._id, voice: res, }); let url = "" console.log('[fileID]: ', res.fileID) wx.cloud.getTempFileURL({ fileList: [res.fileID], success: res => { //console.log(fileID) url = res.fileList[0].tempFileURL this.setData({ voiceurl: url, }); // this.onLoad(); console.log('[录音路径获取] 成功: ', url) console.log('[用户ID获取] 成功: ', app.globalData.userid) console.log('[用户姓名获取] 成功: ', app.globalData.name) console.log('[用户学号获取] 成功: ', app.globalData.username) console.log('[周数获取] 成功: ', app.globalData.weekid) console.log('[句子id获取]成功',this.data.passageid) console.log('[句子分数获取]成功',this.data.SuggestedScore)//该函数与测评函数不在同一进程,调试器测评函数运行更慢,所以获取不到数据,但是直接打开小程序可以正常使用 //抓取现在的时间 function formatDateTime(time) { var date = new Date(time); var y = date.getFullYear(); var m = date.getMonth() + 1; m = m < 10 ? ('0' + m) : m; var d = date.getDate(); d = d < 10 ? ('0' + d) : d; var h = date.getHours(); h = h < 10 ? ('0' + h) : h; var minute = date.getMinutes(); var second = date.getSeconds(); minute = minute < 10 ? ('0' + minute) : minute; second = second < 10 ? ('0' + second) : second; return y + '/' + m + '/' + d+' '+h+':'+minute+':'+second; }; let nowtime = formatDateTime(new Date()) console.log(nowtime) wx.cloud.database().collection("voice_data").add({ data: { //voiceID: res.fileID, //voice: res, url: url, downloadurl: url, name: app.globalData.name, username: app.globalData.username, weekid: app.globalData.weekid, passageid: this.data.passageid, suggestedScore: this.data.SuggestedScore,//写一个选择判断,决定存进去的分是多少 pronAccuracyScore: this.data.PronAccuracy, pronFluencyScore: this.data.PronFluency, pronCompletionScore: this.data.PronCompletion, maximumScore: this.data.maximumScore, settime: nowtime, }, success: function () { console.log('[录音上传到数据库] 成功') }, fail: function(){ console.log('[录音上传到数据库] 失败') } }) }, fail: res => { console.log('[录音路径获取] 失败') } }) } }) }) }, //测评结束 ontouchend:function(e){ console.log('结束') let that = this; that.shutRecording(); app.globalData.manager.stop(); that.setData({ practicetime:that.data.practicetime+1, }) this.setData({ view: 0, }); }, 这是录音部分的主要代码,用的是getRecorderManager. 调试视频如下: (手机端) [视频] (电脑端) [视频] 调试后发现,原因是调用了智聆的接口,整个过程比较慢,所以导致了这种情况,但是智聆是要调用的,请问大家我要如何解决这种问题?
最近有一些用户经常会出现网络请求问题, 基础库都是2.16.0的, 是怎么回事?前后有几十个用户出现网络请求问题, 从反馈的数据和错误日志里看, 出问题的都是2.16.0基础库的. 反馈的日志里, 网络错误有这些: request:fail -111:net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED request:fail interrupted request:fail -103:net::ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED request:fail -118:net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT 这个是怎么回事? 我们要怎么解决?
小程序选择本地文件为什么还没有相关的接口?小程序选择本地文件为什么还没有相关的接口,是有什么难度限制吗? 微信聊天界面选择文件功能也是有的。
wx.getLocation这个方法能不能返回当前所在城市信息(城市名和adcode)?目前wx.getLocation这个方法只返回经纬度等信息,其他的速度高度什么的都太不常用了,位置信息里有个很重要的城市信息都没有返回,希望官方能优化一下,目前只能引入腾讯地图、高德地图等插件来实现,支付宝小程序都有这功能 [图片]