- 文字不能正常换行,如何处理?
[图片] 样式: view{ margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; } .intro { width: 100%; padding: 30px; text-align: center; display: flex; box-sizing: border-box; } .img{ width: 200rpx; text-align: left; color: #999; } .title-box{ flex: 1; } .title{ width: 100%; text-align: left; } 内容: <view class="intro"> <view class="img">任务标题:</view> <view class="title-box"> <view class="title">123@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@456789101112131415161718数据类型都不调整</view> </view> </view>
2023-05-31 - wx.downloadFile 下载报错提示超过最大下载连接数 10?
wx.downloadFile({ url: 'https://api.sdccx.cn/files/202106/1622686620322_849954819316645888.png?3.png', success: function (res) { wx.showToast({ title: '成功!',icon:"none" }) }, fail: function (err) { wx.showToast({title: '下载失败',icon:"none"}) console.log('下载失败:', err); //报的错回文 /* {errMsg: "downloadFile:fail createDownloadTask:fail exceed max download connection count 10"} */ }, })
2021-06-03 - 代码审核,第一次配置了页面后未审核通过,第二次重新提交就越过了页面配置
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2019-09-21 - 小程序上线后文章详情不显示
2019-05-31 - 视频转发
2019-04-22 - 微信小程序获取到的文章详情带word格式的解决方式
2019-04-15 - 微信内部的audio怎样关闭声音
- 需求的场景描述(希望解决的问题) - 希望提供的能力 wxml: <!-- 语音播放 --> <view class='audiosBox'> <!-- <view class="audioOpen"> --> <image class='image2' src="/assets/icon/play2.png" bindtap="listenerButtonPlay" wx:if="{{!isOpen}}"/> <!-- </view> --> <!-- <view class="audioOpen" > --> <image class='image2' src="/assets/icon/play1.png" bindtap="listenerButtonPause" wx:if="{{isOpen}}"/> <!-- </view> --> <!-- 时间 --> <view class='timeLong'> <text class='times'>{{starttime}} </text> <!-- 进度时长 --> <text class='times'>/ {{duration}}</text> </view> <view class='slid'> <slider bindchange="sliderChange" block-size="12px" step="2" value="{{offset}}" max="{{max}}" selected-color="#4c9dee" /> </view> <image src='/assets/icon/stop1.png' class='iconImage' wx:if="{{!isShow}}" bindtap='isShow'></image> <image src='/assets/icon/stop.png' class='iconImage1' wx:if="{{isShow}}" bindtap='isShow1'></image> </view> wxss: /* 语音播放 */ .audiosBox{ width:100%; margin: auto; height: 130rpx; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; background: #f6f7f7; border-radius: 10rpx; overflow: hidden; } .image2{ width:66rpx; height:68rpx; background-color:#ccc; margin-left:10rpx; } .timeLong{ width:23%; display: flex; } .timeLong>text{ width:100%; } .times{ width: 100rpx; text-align: center; display: inline-block; font-size: 24rpx; color:#999999; margin-top: 5rpx; } .timeLong>text:nth-child(1){ color: #4c9dee; margin-left:6rpx; } /*进度条长度 */ .slid{ flex: 1; position: relative; } slider{ width:274rpx; margin-left:27rpx; } /* 音频right */ .iconImage{ width:53rpx; height:86rpx; position:relative; right:145rpx; } .iconImage1{ width:45rpx; height:50rpx; position:relative; right:145rpx; } js: // subPages/serve/scenIcSpot/scenlcSpot.js //获取应用实例 const bgMusic = wx.getBackgroundAudioManager() var app=getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { // 音频 isShow:false,//是否静音 isOpen: false,//播放开关 starttime: '00:00', //正在播放时长 duration: '06:41', //总时长 src:'', // 组件所需的参数 nvabarData: { showCapsule: 1, //是否显示左上角图标 1表示显示 0表示不显示 title: '景点介绍', //导航栏 中间的标题 }, height: getApp().globalData.height*2+20 }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { }, // 视频 // 视频学习 // 视频错误提示 videoErrorCallback: function (e) { console.log('视频错误信息:'); console.log(e.detail.errMsg); }, videoPlay: function (e) { var curIdx = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; // 没有播放时播放视频 if (!this.data.playIndex) { this.setData({ playIndex: curIdx }) var videoContext = wx.createVideoContext('video' + curIdx) //这里对应的视频id videoContext.play() } else { // 有播放时先将prev暂停,再播放当前点击的current var videoContextPrev = wx.createVideoContext('video' + this.data.playIndex) if (this.data.playIndex != curIdx) { videoContextPrev.pause() } this.setData({ playIndex: curIdx }) var videoContextCurrent = wx.createVideoContext('video' + curIdx) videoContextCurrent.play() } }, // 语音播放 // 播放 listenerButtonPlay: function () { var that = this //bug ios 播放时必须加title 不然会报错导致音乐不播放 bgMusic.title = '此时此刻' bgMusic.epname = '此时此刻' bgMusic.src = that.data.src; bgMusic.onTimeUpdate(() => { console.log(bgMusic) //bgMusic.duration总时长 bgMusic.currentTime当前进度 console.log(bgMusic.currentTime) var duration = bgMusic.duration; var offset = bgMusic.currentTime; var currentTime = parseInt(bgMusic.currentTime); var min = "0" + parseInt(currentTime / 60); var max = parseInt(bgMusic.duration); var sec = currentTime % 60; if (sec < 10) { sec = "0" + sec; }; var starttime = min + ':' + sec; /* 00:00 */ that.setData({ offset: currentTime, starttime: starttime, max: max, changePlay: true }) }) //播放结束 bgMusic.onEnded(() => { that.setData({ starttime: '00:00', isOpen: false, offset: 0 }) console.log("音乐播放结束"); }) bgMusic.play(); that.setData({ isOpen: true, }) }, //暂停播放 listenerButtonPause() { var that = this bgMusic.pause() that.setData({ isOpen: false, }) }, listenerButtonStop() { var that = this bgMusic.stop() }, // 进度条拖拽 sliderChange(e) { var that = this var offset = parseInt(e.detail.value); bgMusic.play(); bgMusic.seek(offset); that.setData({ isOpen: true, }) }, // 页面卸载时停止播放 onUnload() { var that = this that.listenerButtonStop()//停止播放 console.log("离开") }, // 静音与否 isShow(){ let that=this; var audioInnerCtxWord = null //播发器 if (wx.createInnerAudioContext) { audioInnerCtxWord = wx.createInnerAudioContext() //微信内部的audio console.log(audioInnerCtxWord) audioInnerCtxWord.obeyMuteSwitch = true //不遵循静音开关,即静音下也能播放 } else { that.audioCtxWord = wx.createAudioContext('playerWord') //页面中的audio组件 } that.setData({ isShow:true }) }, isShow1() { var audioInnerCtxWord = null //播发器 if (wx.createInnerAudioContext) { audioInnerCtxWord = wx.createInnerAudioContext() //微信内部的audio console.log(audioInnerCtxWord) audioInnerCtxWord.obeyMuteSwitch =true//不遵循静音开关,即静音下也能播放 } else { that.audioCtxWord = wx.createAudioContext('playerWord') //页面中的audio组件 } let that = this; that.setData({ isShow:false }) } })
2019-04-07 - 小程序显示带word样式的内容