ios15.0.1 小程序生成海报白屏,ios17可以,这是为啥?
async createNewImg() { let that = this; const {mainPic, topPic, avatar, bottomPic, erPic} = this console.log(mainPic, topPic, avatar, bottomPic, erPic) // this.mainPic = await this.getImageInfo(this.mainPic)[0].path // 处理图片 // this.erPic = await this.getImageInfo(this.erPic)[0].path // 处理图片 // this.topPic = await this.getImageInfo(this.topPic)[0].path // 处理图片 // this.bottomPic = await this.getImageInfo(this.bottomPic)[0].path // 处理图片 this.mainPic = (await this.getImageInfo(this.mainPic)).path // 处理图片 this.topPic = (await this.getImageInfo(this.topPic)).path // 处理图片 this.bottomPic = (await this.getImageInfo(this.bottomPic)).path // 处理图片 this.avatar = (await this.getImageInfo(this.avatar)).path // 处理图片 // this.erPic = await this.getBase64ImageInfo(this.erPic) var context = uni.createCanvasContext('mycanvas'); // context.setFillStyle("rgba(0,0,0,0)") // #F24077 // 背景颜色 const cw = this.canvasW const bl = cw / 750 context.fillRect(0, 0, cw, 1550 / 750 * (cw)) // 667 绘制一个矩形作为背景矩形x坐标、y坐标、图片宽、高 context.drawImage(this.mainPic, 0, 0, cw, 1360 / 750 * cw); // 262 349 context.drawImage(this.topPic, 0, 0, cw, 58 / 750 * cw); // 绘制圆角矩形; context.beginPath(); context.arc(bl * 30 + 25, bl * 145 + 25, 25, 0, 2 * Math.PI); // 圆心坐标(100, 100),半径为100 context.setStrokeStyle('#333333') context.stroke() context.closePath(); context.clip() //绘制图像 context.drawImage(this.avatar, bl * 30, bl * 145, 50, 50); context.restore(); // 恢复之前保存的绘图上下文状态 // 绘制圆角矩形; context.beginPath(); context.arc(cw / 750 * 6 + cw / 750 * 158 / 2 + 13, 1360 / 750 * cw + cw / 750 * 158 / 2 + 10, cw / 750 * 158 / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); // 圆心坐标(100, 100),半径为100 context.setStrokeStyle('#333333') context.stroke() context.closePath(); context.clip() //绘制右下角小程序二维码 context.drawImage(this.erPic, cw / 750 * 6 + 13, 1360 / 750 * cw + 10, cw / 750 * 158, cw / 750 * 158); context.restore(); // 恢复之前保存的绘图上下文状态 context.drawImage(this.bottomPic, 0, 1360 / 750 * cw, cw, cw / 750 * 197); context.setFontSize(26); // context.setFillStyle('#000'); // #FFF context.setTextAlign('left'); if(this.txt.length>7) { this.txt = this.txt.slice(0,7)+ '...' } context.fillText(this.txt, bl * 130, bl * 175); context.stroke(); // context.setFontSize(15); // context.setFillStyle('#333'); // context.setTextAlign('left'); // // context.fillText(todaySaying, 37, 480); // this.drawText(context, todaySaying, 37, 470, 30, 300); // 调用行文本换行函数(300则换行) // context.stroke(); context.draw(); // }); //将生成好的图片保存到本地 setTimeout(function() { uni.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'mycanvas', success: function(res) { var tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; that.imagePath = tempFilePath; that.canvasHidden = true that.baocun() console.log('将生成好的图片保存到本地', res, that.imagePath) }, fail: function(res) { console.log(res); } }, that); }, 200); }, //点击保存到相册 baocun() { var that = this let { imagePath } = this console.log('点击保存到相册', imagePath) wx.showShareImageMenu({ path: imagePath, success: ()=>{ }, fail: (res)=> { console.log(res) if( res.errMsg.indexOf('deny')!=-1||res.errMsg.indexOf('denied')!=-1 ){ uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '需要您授权保存相册', showCancel: false, success() { uni.openSetting({ success(settingdata) { if (settingdata.authSetting[ 'scope.writePhotosAlbum']) { //是否授权保存到相册 wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '获取权限成功,再次保存图片即可成功', showCancel: false, }) } else { uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '获取权限失败,无法保存到相册', showCancel: false, }) } }, }) }, fail() { uni.$u.toast('您已取消') }, }) } } }) // uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ // filePath: imagePath, // success(res) { // uni.showModal({ // content: '海报已保存到相册', // showCancel: false, // confirmText: '去分享', // confirmColor: '#333', // success: function(res) { // if (res.confirm) { // console.log('用户点击确定'); // wx.showShareImageMenu({ // path: imagePath // }) // /* 该隐藏的隐藏 */ // that.maskHidden = false // } // }, // fail: function(res) { // console.log(11111) // } // }) // }, // fail() { // uni.showModal({ // title: '提示', // content: '需要您授权保存相册', // showCancel: false, // success() { // uni.openSetting({ // success(settingdata) { // if (settingdata.authSetting[ // 'scope.writePhotosAlbum']) { //是否授权保存到相册 // wx.showModal({ // title: '提示', // content: '获取权限成功,再次保存图片即可成功', // showCancel: false, // }) // } else { // uni.showModal({ // title: '提示', // content: '获取权限失败,无法保存到相册', // showCancel: false, // }) // } // }, // }) // }, // fail() { // uni.$u.toast('您已取消') // }, // }) // }, // }) },