微信小程序调用云函数,实现OCR银行卡识别成功拿不到银行卡number,很疑惑?//选择图片 chooseImage: function(callBack) { let self = this; let type = "yinhangka" wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, sizeType: ['compressed'], sourceType: ['camera', 'album'], success: function(res) { let tempFilePath = res.tempFilePaths[0] let imgUrl = tempFilePath self.uploadImg(type,imgUrl) network.uploadFile(tempFilePath).then(res => { if (typeof callBack === 'function') callBack({ tempFilePath, fjid: res.data.data.fjid }) }) } }) }, /* 修改开始 */ // 上传图片到云存储 uploadImg(type, imgUrl) { let that = this wx.cloud.uploadFile({ cloudPath: 'add/' + type + '.png', filePath: imgUrl, // 文件路径 success: res => { console.log("上传成功", res.fileID) that.getImgUrl(type, res.fileID) }, fail: err => { console.log("上传失败", err) } }) }, //获取云存储里的图片url getImgUrl(type, imgUrl) { let that = this wx.cloud.getTempFileURL({ fileList: [imgUrl], success: res => { let imgUrl = res.fileList[0].tempFileURL console.log("获取图片url成功", imgUrl) that.shibie(type, imgUrl) }, fail: err => { console.log("获取图片url失败", err) } }) }, //调用云函数,实现OCR识别 shibie(type, imgUrl) { wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: "add", data: { type: type, imgUrl: imgUrl }, success(res) { console.log("识别成功", res) }, fail(res) { console.log("识别失败", res) } }) }, //上传图片 uploadCard: function(e) { this.chooseImage(res => { var item = this.data.item item.src = res.tempFilePath this.setData({ item: item }) this.data.clxxItem = { fjid: res.fjid, cllx: item.cllx } }) }, [图片] [图片] 已经是成功调用了OCR的银行卡方法,就是拿不到number,这个是为什么呢,网上帖子发出来都有个number的:网上帖子截图如下[图片] 希望有大神帮忙解答下