pc端使用wx.canvasToTempFilePath接口报错?错误信息如下: "[Component] <canvas>: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The image argument is a canvas element with a width or height of 0." "Error: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The image argument is a canvas element with a width or height of 0.\n at l.<anonymous> (about:blank:1:1222184)\n at Generator.next (<anonymous>)\n at n (about:blank:1:2550)\n at s (about:blank:1:2753)"
真机调wxConfig.appLaunchInfo fail: wx is not defined?真机调试报错FrameworkError read mock wxConfig.appLaunchInfo fail: wx is not defined 修改调试基础库并重新推送无效,请问怎么解决? [图片]
2023-06-10这应该是一个比较严重的bug 已经严重影响开发了 1.0 非常的难用 希望官方重视这个bug 加急修复https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/develop/article/doc/000826faa68ae033e2cf7ab6b5c813
微信小程序真机调试console不打印?[图片] 问题如题,本地开发一切正常 [图片] 真机调试,console没有任何输入 [图片]