- 只显示位置,不显示导航怎么实现?
2021-05-30 - 图片开发者工具里显示,预览和真机调试不显示?
2020-04-24 - 日期组件不显示日期
[图片] 选择或者默认值设置上也不显示日期,是空白的 <picker mode="date" value="{{account.ubirth}}" start="1900-01-01" end="2019-09-01" bindchange="bindDateChange"> <view class="weui-input">{{account.ubirth}}</view> </picker> bindDateChange: function (e) { var account = this.data.account; account.ubirth = e.detail.value; this.setData({ account: account }); }
2019-03-12 - form表单js提交,不通过按钮
2019-02-19 - 在用户返回当前页面时询问是否确认退出
2019-01-14 - 微信小程序在我的iPhone6P上最新版微信里调用摄像头出现闪退
- 当前 Bug 的表现(可附上截图) 有个页面进去就要打开摄像头 - 预期表现 一打开就微信闪退,需要重复进去好几次才能打开摄像头 - 复现路径 每次进去都会重复出现,进好几次就好了 - 提供一个最简复现 Demo <!--pages/examinfo/mainexaminfo.wxml--> <view class='page'> <view class='page-top'> <camera device-position="front" mode="normal" flash="off" class="{{canExam==true?'on':'off'}}" binderror="cameraerror" style="width: 30%; height: 300rpx;" wx:if="{{offical==1}}" ></camera> <view class='page-top-info' style="width:{{offical==1?'70%':'100%'}}"> <view class='examtitle'> {{paper.p_name}} </view> 时长:{{paper.p_duration}}分钟 </view> </view> <view class='page-content'> <view class='examinfo'> <text>考试日期:</text> {{paper.p_starttime}} 至 {{paper.p_endtime}} </view> <view class='examinfo'> <text>成绩标准:</text> 满分 {{paper.p_total_score}} 分,合格 {{paper.p_pass_score}}分 </view> <view class='examinfo'><text>考试题型</text> </view> <view class='examinfo2'>1.单选题,共15题,每题3分</view> <view class='examinfo2'>2.多选题,共10题,每题4分</view> <view class='examinfo2'>3.判断题,共5题,每题4分</view> <navigator url="../exam/exam?p_id={{paper.p_id}}&&offical={{offical}}" open-type="redirect"> <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" wx:if="{{!canExam && offical==1 }}" disabled="true">开始考试</button> <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" wx:if="{{canExam || offical==0}}" >开始考试</button> </navigator> </view> </view> // pages/examinfo/mainexaminfo.js var app = getApp(); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { p_id:"", canExam:false, myi:0, timeOutId:0 }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { wx.showLoading({ title: '获取试题信息中' }); this.setData({ p_id: options.p_id, offical: options.offical }); var that = this; wx.request({ url: app.url + 'system/paper/wxpaperinfo.thtml', header: { "Cookie": "JSESSIONID=" + wx.getStorageSync("sessionid"), 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data:{ p_id: options.p_id }, success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); var timeOutId = 0; if (that.data.offical == 1) { timeOutId = setTimeout(function () { that.matchFace(); }, 1500); } that.setData({ paper: res.data.data, timeOutId: timeOutId }); }, fail: function (err) { wx.showToast({ title: '微信请求试卷失败', image: '../../image/close.png' }) } }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { }, matchFace:function(){ wx.showLoading({ title: '正在检测人脸' }); const ctx = wx.createCameraContext(); var account = wx.getStorageSync("account"); var that = this; ctx.takePhoto({ quality: 'high', success: (res) => { wx.uploadFile({ url: app.url + 'face/matchFace.do', header: { "Cookie": "JSESSIONID=" + wx.getStorageSync("sessionid"), 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, filePath: res.tempImagePath, dataType: "json", formData: { 'uid': account.uid }, name: 'file', success: function (res) { console.log(res); if (JSON.parse(res.data).result) { that.setData({ canExam: true }); wx.hideLoading(); }else{ var myi = that.data.myi; myi+=1; if(myi%4==0){ wx.showToast({ title: '人脸检测失败', icon: 'loading', duration: 2000 }); } var timeOutId = 0; timeOutId = setTimeout(function(){ that.matchFace(); }, 1000); that.setData({ myi: myi, timeOutId: timeOutId }); } }, fail: (e) => { console.log(e, 999) if (e.errMsg === "request:fail abort") return; wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '请求失败,请检查网络', showCancel: false, confirmColor: '#0f77ff', success: (res) => { } }) } }) }, fail: (e) => { console.log(e, 999) console.log(e.detail); wx.request({ url: app.url + 'user/paper/saveError.thtml', header: { "Cookie": "JSESSIONID=" + wx.getStorageSync("sessionid"), 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { error: e.detail } }); wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '拍照失败', showCancel: false, confirmColor: '#0f77ff', success: (res) => { } }) } }) } })