- 手机扫码预览得不到数据
page[pages/XXX/XXX] not found.May be caused by :1. Forgot to add page route in app.json.2. Invoking Page() in async task.
2017-09-01 - 保存图片到手机saveImageToPhotosAlbum()错误
wx.downloadFile({ url: 'https://example?path=the_path&id=11111', success: function(res) { let path = res.tempFilePath; wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath: path, success: function(res) { wx.showModal({ title: "提示", content: "保存图片成功", showCancel: false }); }, fail: function(res) { wx.showModal({ title: "保存图片失败", content: res.errMsg, showCancel: false }); } }); }, fail: function(res) { wx.showModal({ title: "获取图片信息失败", content: res.errMsg, showCancel: false }); } });
2017-08-17 - 保存图片到相册报错
saveImageToPhotosAlbum:fail incalid file type