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unity转微信小程序限制分辨率失败https://github.com/wechat-miniprogram/minigame-unity-webgl-transform/blob/main/Design/OptimizationPerformence.md 根据文档中的推荐,依靠devicePixelRatio限制分辨率,会报“Cannot assign to read only property 'devicePixelRatio' of object '#<Window>' as game.js...” if(wx.getSystemInfoSync().platform == 'ios') window.devicePixelRatio = 2;
unity 2d开发 使用插件转成小游戏后打开显示 Texture2D 序列化出错unity 2d开发 使用插件转成小游戏后打开显示 Texture2D 序列化出错 Mismatched serialization in the builtin class 'Texture2D'. (Read 21984 bytes but expected 21960 bytes) plugin.js:77 Mismatched serialization in the builtin class 'Texture2D'. (Read 2796388 bytes but expected 2796364 bytes)