- camera组件不执行timeoutCallback?
camera组件中设置了timeout为300,timeoutCallback到300秒之后不执行?设置成150也不执行。貌似只有数值很小的情况下才会执行timeoutcallback。需求是录制5分钟视频。 代码如下。不会打印'timeoutCallback' 设置倒计时自动执行的话也只会打印 stopRecoring。不会执行ctx.stopRecord() onShow(){ const ctx = wx.createCameraContext() this.setData({ ctx }) }, //开始录制 startRecord() { let that = this let intervalId; let totalTime = 0; that.data.ctx.startRecord({ timeout: 300, timeoutCallback: (res) => { console.log('timeoutCallback') }, success: (res) => { console.log(res) that.setData({ startTime: that.getTime(), isRecording: true }) }, fail:(err)=>{ console.log(err) } }) intervalId = setInterval(function () { totalTime++; console.log('=============>totalTime:' + totalTime) if(totalTime >= 500 ){ clearInterval(intervalId) that.stopRecord() } }, 1000); }, //结束录制 stopRecord() { let that = this clearTimeout(startCountFunc) //stopRecord方法不可连续调用,否则无法停止录制 console.log('stopRecord') that.data.ctx.stopRecord({ compressed: true, //是否压缩录完的视频 success: (res) => { console.log(res) // that.uploadVedio() }, fail(err){ console.log(err) wx.hideLoading() } }) }, [图片]
2023-07-07 - CameraContext.startRecord录制视频过程中可以截图吗?