- 文档错字
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/runtime/skyline/features.html 往底部往上滚动 => 从底部往上滚动 [图片]
02-17 - macOS 端开发者工具预览中 CSS 的 gap 属性依然不支持吗?
请问 macOS 端开发者工具预览中 CSS 的 gap 属性依然不支持吗?我得依然不能正常预览! [图片]
02-07 - 聚合操作符中为什么没有 pipeline 的介绍?
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/wxcloud/reference-sdk-api/database/command/aggregate/AggregateCommand.html 请问 $.pipeline() 这个属于聚合操作符吗?为什么只在示例中见到,文档却没能找到介绍?
2023-06-14 - 求教,城市服务 api 如何调用?
[图片] 想跳转到对应的专题服务,使用云开发,如何使用呢? 求教代码示例。
2023-05-17 - 使用微信云托管部署egg.js总是失败,求教看看什么原因?
[2023-04-13 21:18:19] Step 2/7 : WORKDIR /usr/src/app/ [2023-04-13 21:18:19] ---> Running in 3cd045fc7cf9 [2023-04-13 21:18:19] Removing intermediate container 3cd045fc7cf9 [2023-04-13 21:18:19] ---> 306bc2126f39 [2023-04-13 21:18:19] Step 3/7 : COPY package*.json ./ [2023-04-13 21:18:20] ---> be4a08961afc [2023-04-13 21:18:20] Step 4/7 : RUN npm install --only=production [2023-04-13 21:18:20] ---> Running in 86214f46a757 [2023-04-13 21:18:20] npm WARN config only Use `--omit=dev` to omit dev dependencies from the install. [2023-04-13 21:19:16] [2023-04-13 21:19:16] added 509 packages, and audited 510 packages in 54s [2023-04-13 21:19:16] [2023-04-13 21:19:16] 28 packages are looking for funding [2023-04-13 21:19:16] run `npm fund` for details [2023-04-13 21:19:16] [2023-04-13 21:19:16] 3 moderate severity vulnerabilities [2023-04-13 21:19:16] [2023-04-13 21:19:16] To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: [2023-04-13 21:19:16] npm audit fix --force [2023-04-13 21:19:16] [2023-04-13 21:19:16] Run `npm audit` for details. [2023-04-13 21:19:16] npm notice [2023-04-13 21:19:16] npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.4 -> 9.6.4 [2023-04-13 21:19:16] npm notice Changelog: <https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v9.6.4> [2023-04-13 21:19:16] npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@9.6.4` to update! [2023-04-13 21:19:16] npm notice [2023-04-13 21:19:19] Removing intermediate container 86214f46a757 [2023-04-13 21:19:19] ---> e277e782e07d [2023-04-13 21:19:19] Step 5/7 : COPY . ./ [2023-04-13 21:19:19] ---> 60c98b237b3b [2023-04-13 21:19:19] Step 6/7 : EXPOSE 80 [2023-04-13 21:19:19] ---> Running in 9d330c1de670 [2023-04-13 21:19:19] Removing intermediate container 9d330c1de670 [2023-04-13 21:19:19] ---> 750c93117b62 [2023-04-13 21:19:19] Step 7/7 : CMD npm start [2023-04-13 21:19:19] ---> Running in 285f53ab0797 [2023-04-13 21:19:20] Removing intermediate container 285f53ab0797 [2023-04-13 21:19:20] ---> c5aa4439aeac [2023-04-13 21:19:20] Successfully built c5aa4439aeac [2023-04-13 21:19:20] Successfully tagged ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/tcb-******-ssfv/ca-qwjrwzsk_pldataeggjs:pldataeggjs-007-20230413211809 [2023-04-13 21:19:20] [Pipeline] } [2023-04-13 21:19:20] [Pipeline] // stage [2023-04-13 21:19:20] [Pipeline] stage [2023-04-13 21:19:20] [Pipeline] { (推送 Docker 镜像到 TCR) [2023-04-13 21:19:20] [Pipeline] sh [2023-04-13 21:19:20] + docker push ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/tcb-******-ssfv/ca-qwjrwzsk_pldataeggjs:pldataeggjs-007-20230413211809 [2023-04-13 21:19:20] The push refers to repository [ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/tcb-******-ssfv/ca-qwjrwzsk_pldataeggjs] [2023-04-13 21:19:20] ede65f54e703: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] 1130b8d5d00f: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] 31b4bfc32f31: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] d7551259cd8f: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] cafb113074aa: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] 91c10016e43b: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] 060963656c85: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] e9c0f39d77af: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] 61a5c84a1270: Preparing [2023-04-13 21:19:20] 91c10016e43b: Layer already exists [2023-04-13 21:19:20] e9c0f39d77af: Layer already exists [2023-04-13 21:19:20] cafb113074aa: Layer already exists [2023-04-13 21:19:20] 060963656c85: Layer already exists [2023-04-13 21:19:20] 61a5c84a1270: Layer already exists [2023-04-13 21:19:21] 31b4bfc32f31: Pushed [2023-04-13 21:19:21] d7551259cd8f: Pushed [2023-04-13 21:19:22] ede65f54e703: Pushed [2023-04-13 21:20:18] 1130b8d5d00f: Pushed [2023-04-13 21:20:20] pldataeggjs-007-20230413211809: digest: sha256:729c6cc824986448cf96b39f2aefa714e3f38219954a7327e5581dcd5f632d6d size: 2205 [2023-04-13 21:20:20] [Pipeline] } [2023-04-13 21:20:20] [Pipeline] // stage [2023-04-13 21:20:20] [Pipeline] } [2023-04-13 21:20:20] [Pipeline] // node [2023-04-13 21:20:20] [Pipeline] End of Pipeline [2023-04-13 21:20:20] Finished: SUCCESS *** -----------构建pldataeggjs-007----------- 2023-04-13 21:18:10 create_build_image : succ, 2023-04-13 21:20:25 check_build_image : succ, , -----------服务pldataeggjs部署pldataeggjs-007----------- 2023-04-13 21:20:27 create_eks_virtual_service : succ, 2023-04-13 21:20:27 check_eks_virtual_service : process, DescribeVersion_user_error_Liveness probe failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused, [service]:[Readiness probe failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused,Liveness probe failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused,] wx3c8406171c9106a1 pldataprod-1ghwo42v0d4b4041 tid=211311 rid=multi_tenant_1pmwpteiiLC8fd pldataeggjs bid=31295261 pldataeggjs-007 FROM node:16-slim WORKDIR /usr/src/app/ COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install --only=production COPY . ./ EXPOSE 80 CMD npm start /* eslint valid-jsdoc: "off" */ 'use strict'; /** * @param {Egg.EggAppInfo} appInfo app info */ module.exports = appInfo => { /** * built-in config * @type {Egg.EggAppConfig} **/ const config = exports = {}; // use for cookie sign key, should change to your own and keep security config.keys = appInfo.name + '_1677934195632_7969'; // add your middleware config here config.middleware = []; config.cors = { origin: '*', allowMethods: 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH', }; config.security = { csrf: { enable: false }, }; config.validate = { }; config.sequelize = { dialect: '', host: '', port: 3306, database: '', username: '', password: '', timezone: '+08:00', // 时区改成东8区 define: { freezeTableName: true, // 禁止转换为负数 underscored: true, //禁止转换为驼峰 } }; config.jwt = { secret: '', expiresIn: '24h', }; // 密码加密 config.bcrypt = { saltRounds: 10, }; config.cluster = { listen: { path: '', port: 80, hostname: '' } } // add your user config here const userConfig = { // myAppName: 'egg', }; return { ...config, ...userConfig, }; }; 快被郁闷死了,求指教!
2023-04-13 - 求官方出个egg.js微信云托管的部署教程吧!
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/wxcloudrun/src/quickstart/custom/node.html 做为一个前端,想使用egg.js做后端接口,写代码都没问题,部署整闷了。怎么弄都不成功! 看教程说复制这一段可以交流,这一段能看出个啥呢? wx3c8406171c9106a1 pldataprod-1ghwo42v0d4b4041 tid=211275 rid=multi_tenant_1pmvmaYPuFeFjK pldataeggjs bid=31293599 pldataeggjs-004
2023-04-13 - 请教:微信云托管、腾讯云、 Serverless,这三个是什么关系呢?
我想使用 egg.js + MySQL 做后端,但是部署不知道选择哪个了?请教:微信云托管、腾讯云、 Serverless,这三个是什么关系呢?
2023-04-07 - innerAudioContext.onError 不起作用
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/media/audio/InnerAudioContext.onError.html innerAudioContext.onError((err) => { console.log(err.errCode); }) 无法打印。onError,不起作用。
2022-03-03 - onShareTimeline 和 onShareAppMessage 的 title 默认值问题?
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/reference/api/Page.html 建议将 onShareTimeline 和 onShareAppMessage 的 title 默认值 当前小程序名称 改成 “当前页面名称” 即 wx.setNavigationBarTitle 所设置的名称。
2021-10-23 - InnerAudioContext.seek() 为什么src换个地址就跳转失效?
使用了两个音频地址测试 seek 跳转: // 此地址可以正常跳转 有效: // http://sp.9sky.com/convert/song/music/1030028/20210721151849987.mp3 // 此地址跳转会从头开始播放 无效: // https://www.prehot.com/test/audio.mp3 使用的代码: const _InnerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext() _InnerAudioContext.autoplay = true Page({ data: { }, onLoad: function (options) { _InnerAudioContext.src = 'http://sp.9sky.com/convert/song/music/1030028/20210721151849987.mp3' _InnerAudioContext.onTimeUpdate(() => { console.log(_InnerAudioContext.currentTime); }) }, forward: function () { _InnerAudioContext.pause() // 先暂停 _InnerAudioContext.seek(31) // 再跳转 setTimeout(() => { _InnerAudioContext.play() }, 500); // 给一个延迟,再播放 } }) 求教,是不是自己的服务器配置有问题?windows iis7 谢谢!