- wx.request 结果 undefined
2019-10-17 - MAP 的 wx.getLocation方法怎么不行?
js: map: function (options){ wx.getLocation({//获取当前经纬度 type: 'wgs84', success: function (res) { wx.openLocation({ latitude: res.latitude longitude: res.longitude }) } }) console.log(options) } wxml: <view><button bindtap="map">map</button></view> app.json: "permission": { "scope.userLocation": { "desc": "你的位置信息将用于小程序位置接口的效果展示" } }, Console: {type: "tap", timeStamp: 987893, target: {…}, currentTarget: {…}, mark: {…}, …} changedTouches: [{…}] currentTarget: {id: "", offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 350, dataset: {…}} detail: {x: 185, y: 375} mark: {} target: {id: "", offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 350, dataset: {…}} timeStamp: 987893 touches: [{…}] type: "tap" __proto__: Object 点击后页面没有反应??????????????????
2019-09-20 - 为什么index只选择了1?
代码片段链接:https://developers.weixin.qq.com/s/G9a2xhmU7fbG [图片]
2019-09-10 - 这里的index为什么为空啊?
[图片] 这里的index为什么为空啊
2019-09-10 - 这里的condirm点击后报错: Only digits (0-9) can?
[图片] 这里的condirm点击后报错: Only digits (0-9) can be put inside [] in the path string: today[undefined].hiddenbutton; [Component] Event Handler Error @ pages/alarm/alarm#bound confirm0 Error: Only digits (0-9) can be put inside [] in the path string: today[undefined].hiddenbutton
2019-09-10 - bindconfirm的属性值不支持{{ }}吗?
bindconfirm的属性值不支持{{ }}吗?
2019-09-09 - binconfirm方法为什么不能修改hidden的布尔值?而bindtap可以