camera组件,调用stopRecord,没有拿到success回调?小米10,使用camera组件,调用stopRecord没有成功回调,然后通过点击事件调用方法一直返回错误operateCamera:fail:is stopping[图片] startTimer: function () { let that = this; this.data.timer = setInterval(function () { that.data.time.second--; if (that.data.time.second === 1 && that.data.status.record === "recording") { that.stopRecord(); } that.setData({ time: that.data.time }) }, 1000) }, stopTimer: function () { clearInterval(this.data.timer); }, stratRecord: function () { let that = this; this.cameraContext.startRecord({ success: function (res) { console.log('开始录制') that.startTimer(); }, fail: function (res) { }, }) }, stopRecord: function () { let that = this; this.cameraContext.stopRecord({ success: function (res) { console.log('停止录制'); that.data.video = res.tempVideoPath; that.data.img = res.tempThumbPath; that.stopTimer(); that.data.status.record = 'success'; that.data.time.second = 5; that.setData({ status: that.data.status, video: that.data.video, img: that.data.img, time: that.data.time }) }, fail: function (res) { console.log(res); if(res.errMsg === "operateCamera:fail:is stopping"){ } else { that.stopTimer(); that.data.status.record === 'not'; that.data.time.second = 5; that.setData({ status: that.data.status, time: that.data.time }) } }, }) },