- initNativeTransServiceId. ntrans:object?
微信版本:7.0.19 二维码识别打开分包的路径报错?[图片]
2020-10-03 - map同层渲染失败?
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/s/GVFtDUmP7ojt 大致是这样的结构,但是线上出现问题 cover-view里面的测试文字没有,image图片也不显示 微信是最新版本,vivo,小米max,魅蓝e2都出现过这种情况,而且最近越来越频繁
2020-08-27 - textarea的穿透问题,什么时候可以解决?
2020-04-22 - 小米6 wx.getLocation 获取失败?
小米6 MIUI 10.4.2 获取定位出现 errCode: 404 errMsg: "getLocation:fail:ERROR_SERVER_NOT_LOCATION" 权限定位都已检查过了,确认开启。 手机配置 [图片] 用户没升级版本之前是好的, 升级到android9.0后一直失败
2019-08-01 - 求大神点解这是什么原因
index.js:111 You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === 'production'. This means that you are running a slower development build of Redux. You can use loose-envify (https://github.com/zertosh/loose-envify) for browserify or DefinePlugin for webpack (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30030031) to ensure you have the correct code for your production build. n.a @ index.js:111 index.js:1 socket opened on port 64250 index.js:1 onmessage MessageEvent index.js:1 onmessage MessageEvent index.js:111 js api ready index.js:1 onmessage MessageEvent index.js:1 onmessage MessageEvent index.js:1 onmessage MessageEvent index.js:1 onmessage MessageEvent index.js:12 Warning: React does not recognize the `data-isDir` prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase `data-isdir` instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element. in div (created by h) in div (created by h) in h (created by h) in div (created by h) in h (created by b) in div (created by b) in b (created by Connect(b)) in Connect(b) (created by y) in div (created by y) in div (created by u) in u (created by y) in y (created by Connect(y)) in Connect(y) (created by ie) in div (created by ie) in div (created by ie) in ie (created by Connect(ie)) in Connect(ie) in Provider i @ index.js:12 index.js:12 Warning: React does not recognize the `data-isFile` prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase `data-isfile` instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element. in div (created by h) in div (created by h) in h (created by h) in div (created by h) in h (created by b) in div (created by b) in b (created by Connect(b)) in Connect(b) (created by y) in div (created by y) in div (created by u) in u (created by y) in y (created by Connect(y)) in Connect(y) (created by ie) in div (created by ie) in div (created by ie) in ie (created by Connect(ie)) in Connect(ie) in Provider i @ index.js:12 index.js:12 Warning: React does not recognize the `data-isOpen` prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase `data-isopen` instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element. in div (created by h) in div (created by h) in h (created by h) in div (created by h) in h (created by b) in div (created by b) in b (created by Connect(b)) in Connect(b) (created by y) in div (created by y) in div (created by u) in u (created by y) in y (created by Connect(y)) in Connect(y) (created by ie) in div (created by ie) in div (created by ie) in ie (created by Connect(ie)) in Connect(ie) in Provider i @ index.js:12 index.js:111 [editor] store.js rehydration finished js.api.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE js.api.monaco.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE component.api.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE wxml.api.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE [图片]
2018-07-18 - 编译后,提示Page "pages/....." has not been register y?
编译后,提示Page "pages/....." has not been register yet.页面所有内容都空了。js文件内容也没有,这马上要给客户演示。然后突然出现这种问题[图片][图片]
2020-03-19 - Page "pages/wo/wo" has not been registered yet ?
2020-04-23 - 小程序请求接口数据,安卓响应正常,IOS手机响应缓慢,基本需要3S以上才能响应回来?
IOS手机请求时间 [图片] 安卓/开发者工具请求时间 [图片]
2020-05-13 - 整个小程序在首次网络请求时候,第一条请求速度很慢?
已经可以排除是接口的问题,换了不同的接口测试都或多或少有这种情况。 具体描述为: 当小程序首次启动第一次打开,无论请求什么链接,只要是首次启动小程序的第一次条请求会很慢,短则300ms,长则4s。这个小程序首次启动表现为删除了小程序,再进入。 如下图2条相同的链接,3.12s的是第一次启动小程序请求耗时,53.58ms的是,对本页面进行了刷新操作。 [图片] [图片]
2020-05-11 - ios13首次网络请求耗时过长,有人遇到过吗?
[图片] 上图为ios13的首次网络请求的耗时,6s [图片] 上图为ios10的首次网络请求耗时,300ms 是否是微信服务器做了什么限制导致的,以前没有遇到过,最新发现ios13的首次网络请求明显变慢,请求时间竟然差了几十倍的耗时,这个问题应该怎么排查。在相同的网络环境下的不同设备的真机调试得到的测试结果。