我的程序稳定运行了一个半月了,今天突然出现这样的故障,怀疑是云开发的问题! 我之前遇到一个触发器的问题,至今没人解释、回复。。慎用云开发吧
transaction must be commit or abort in 30 seconds?{ Error: errCode: -501001 resource system error | errMsg: document.get:fail [ResourceUnavailable.TransactionNotExist] Transaction does not exist on the server, transaction must be commit or abort in 30 seconds. Please check your request, but if the problem persists, contact us.; at document.get api; at returnAsCloudSDKError (/var/user/node_modules/wx-server-sdk/index.js:6086:16) at Object.returnAsFinalCloudSDKError (/var/user/node_modules/wx-server-sdk/index.js:6100:15) at Promise (/var/user/node_modules/wx-server-sdk/index.js:1270:32) at at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) errCode: -501001, errMsg: 'document.get:fail [ResourceUnavailable.TransactionNotExist] Transaction does not exist on the server, transaction must be commit or abort in 30 seconds. Please check your request, but if the problem persists, contact us.; at document.get api; ' } Transaction does not exist on the server, transaction must be commit or abort in 30 seconds 事务不存在于服务器上?事务必须在30秒内提交或者终止? 我的事务代码的确是关联了三张表,也许会比较耗时。。 调用10次大概会有一次出现的概率。 还会爆出这样的错误: { code: 'DATABASE_TRANSACTION_FAIL', message: '[ResourceUnavailable.TransactionNotExist] Transaction does not exist on the server, transaction must be commit or abort in 30 seconds. Please check your request, but if the problem persists, contact us.', requestId: '1585703096928_0.49784180112680776_33619401-1585703097701_30_15269' }