- Issue : textarea not work
- 当前 Bug 的表现(可附上截图) Textarea bindinput event not work - 预期表现 I can get bindinput event e.value - 复现路径 - 提供一个最简复现 Demo <!--index.wxml--> <image class='banner' src='/img/banner.jpg'></image> <view class="container"> <form class='formMain'> <view class="section txtBody"> <textarea class='txtContainer' placeholder="" bindinput='textInput' value="{{msgData}}" auto-focus style='background-color:white' /> <text class='txtLengthCounter'>{{msgData.length}}/140</text> </view> <view class="btn-rea" style='text-align:right;'> <view wx:if='{{userInfo}}' class='userInfoContaienr'> <image bindtap="bindViewTap " class="userinfo-avatar " src="{{userInfo.avatarUrl}} " background-size="cover "></image> <text class="userinfo-nickname ">{{userInfo.nickName}}</text> </view> <!-- <button bindtap='postMsg' class='btn btnAction'>发送 | Send</button> --> <image src='/img/btnSend.png' class='btnSend' bindtap='postMsg'>发送</image> <!-- <button bindtap='gobackVote' class='btn btnAction'>返回 | Go Bakc</button> --> </view> <view class='btn-area' style='text-align:center;'> <image wx:if="{{previewImgSrc}}" src='{{previewImgSrc}}'></image> <image class='btnCamara' wx:else src='/img/btnCamara.png' bindtap="takePhoto"></image> <!-- <button class='btn btnAction'>选择照片 | Check Img</button> --> </view> </form> </view> //index.js //获取应用实例 const app = getApp() Page({ data: { pickarray: ["文本", "图片"], pickIndex: '0', uploadBucket: '', previewImgSrc: '', msgData: '', motto: 'Hello World', userInfo: {}, hasUserInfo: false, canIUse: wx.canIUse('button.open-type.getUserInfo') }, //事件处理函数 bindViewTap: function () { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../logs/logs' }) }, onLoad: function () { if (app.globalData.userInfo) { this.setData({ userInfo: app.globalData.userInfo, hasUserInfo: true }) } else if (this.data.canIUse) { // 由于 getUserInfo 是网络请求,可能会在 Page.onLoad 之后才返回 // 所以此处加入 callback 以防止这种情况 app.userInfoReadyCallback = res => { this.setData({ userInfo: res.userInfo, hasUserInfo: true }) } } else { // 在没有 open-type=getUserInfo 版本的兼容处理 wx.getUserInfo({ success: res => { app.globalData.userInfo = res.userInfo this.setData({ userInfo: res.userInfo, hasUserInfo: true }) } }) } }, getUserInfo: function (e) { console.log(e) app.globalData.userInfo = e.detail.userInfo this.setData({ userInfo: e.detail.userInfo, hasUserInfo: true }) }, bindPickerChange: function (e) { this.setData({ pickIndex: e.detail.value }) }, textInput: function (e) { this.setData({ msgData: e.detail.value }) }, takePhoto: function () { var _this = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, // 默认9 sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有 success: function (res) { // 返回选定照片的本地文件路径列表,tempFilePath可以作为img标签的src属性显示图片 var tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths _this.setData({ previewImgSrc: tempFilePaths[0] }) } }) }, postMsg: function (e) { var _this = this; if (_this.data.msgData || _this.data.previewImgSrc){ wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '确认发送消息吗?', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { if (_this.data.msgData){ _this.sendTxt() } if (_this.data.previewImgSrc){ _this.sendImg() } } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('用户点击取消') } } }) } // switch (this.data.pickIndex) { // case '0': // this.sendTxt() // break; // case '1': // this.sendImg() // break; // } }, sendTxt: function () { var _msgData = { nickName: app.globalData.userInfo.nickName, avarta: app.globalData.userInfo.avatarUrl, msg: this.data.msgData, msgType: 'txt' }; this.sendData(JSON.stringify(_msgData)) this.setData({ msgData:'' }) }, sendImg: function () { var _this = this; wx.request({ url: app.globalData.baseUrl + '/game/GetToken?key=Linengneng', success: function (res) { console.log(res.data) _this.uploadImg(_this.data.previewImgSrc, res.data.token) }, error: function () { } }) }, uploadImg: function (tmpPath, token) { var _this = this; wx.uploadFile({ url: 'http://up-z1.qiniu.com', //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址 filePath: tmpPath, name: 'file', formData: { 'token': token, 'key': (new Date() - 0).toString() + app.globalData.userInfo.nickName + '.jpg' }, success: function (res) { var data = res.data console.log(res) var resObj = JSON.parse(res.data); var key = resObj.key; var imgUrl = 'https://mioto.milbit.com/' + key; var msgData = { nickName: app.globalData.userInfo.nickName, avarta: app.globalData.userInfo.avatarUrl, msg: imgUrl, msgType: 'img', date: new Date() }; _this.sendData(JSON.stringify(msgData)) _this.setData({ previewImgSrc: '' }) }, error: function () { } }) }, sendData: function (sendingData) { wx.request({ url: app.globalData.baseUrl + '/WxqFunc/PostCheckingData?key=Linengneng', method: 'post', data: { msg: sendingData }, success: function (res) { console.log(res) wx.showToast({ title: '发送成功', }) }, error: function () { wx.showToast({ title: '发送失败', }) } }) }, }) globalData: { userInfo: null, baseUrl: 'https://voteapp.oryxl.com' }
2018-05-05 - About wx.uploadFile API
When I call wx.uploadFile API , my server expected response a binnary, but the api success param is string . Is there a way to get binnary response in wx.uploadFile? Or the api can auto process binnary response and save tmpfile and return a tmpfile path