- 当前 Bug 的表现(可附上截图) - 预期表现 - 复现路径 - 提供一个最简复现 Demo 微信小程序视频播放加载很慢,一直转圈,3分钟后才能播放,而且播放很卡,加了带宽和cdn也没有效果,官方的video组件是不是有bug <video id="myVideo" hidden="{{!selected4}}" bindtimeupdate="timeUpdate" bindended="playended" binderror="playerror" class='kcxq-topimg' style="width:100%" src="{{videoUrl}}" initial-time="{{initial}}" custom-cache="{{false}}" controls> <canvas canvas-id='myCanvas' style='width:100%;margin-top:5%;'></canvas> </video> let videotime = e.currentTarget.dataset.videotime; let currProgress = Number((parseInt(videotime) * progress / 100).toFixed(0)); lastTime = currProgress; //wx.setStorageSync('lastTime', currProgress); if (progress == 100) currProgress = 1; console.log("currProgress:" + currProgress); that.setData({ videoUrl: src + "?t=" +new Date().getTime(), initial: currProgress, selected3: false, //将封面图隐藏 selected4: true, //将视频video打开显示 selected5: false //将轮播图隐藏 videoCtx = wx.createVideoContext('myVideo') ; //监听视频播放进度 timeUpdate(e) { let that = this; //console.log("duration:" + e.detail.duration) if (fromProgress < 100) { duration = e.detail.duration; //var lastTime = wx.getStorageSync('lastTime') || that.data.initial; currentTime = e.detail.currentTime; console.log('上次的时间' + lastTime + '现在的时间' + currentTime); if ((parseInt(currentTime) - parseInt(lastTime)) > 3) { videoCtx.seek(lastTime); return false; } else { lastTime = currentTime; //wx.setStorageSync('lastTime', currentTime); progress = Math.round((currentTime / duration) * 10000) / 100.00; pgMap.set(lessionid, progress); //将lessionid和进度存到map中 //console.log("progress:" + progress); } } }, //当播放到末尾时触发 ended 事件 playended(e) { let that = this; console.log("更新子课程进度:100") pgMap.set(lessionid, 100); that.updateLearnItem(); //更新子课程进度 setTimeout(function () { that.getDetail(); }, 1000) },