- ios系统调用writeBLECharacteristicValue()函数的问题?
起因是写了一个升级程序,通过蓝牙向设备写入,在安卓端一切正常,但在ios系统,就有一些问题。现像:ios端,第一次连接上蓝牙以后,可以正常升级写入,第二次以及之后的连接,就不调用writeBLECharacteristicValue()函数写入了,过一会之后,会自动断开蓝牙连接,如下图:[图片] 代码: // 1.打开蓝牙适配器 openBle() { var that = this; uni.openBluetoothAdapter({ success() { console.log('打开蓝牙适配器成功!'); that.discoveryBle(); }, fail(err) { console.error('打开蓝牙适配器失败', err); uni.showToast({ title: '请打开蓝牙!', icon: 'none' }); } }); }, // 2.搜索蓝牙设备 discoveryBle() { var that = this; uni.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ allowDuplicatesKey: false, success() { console.log('开始扫描蓝牙设备'); that.listenBle(); }, fail(err) { console.error('扫描蓝牙设备失败', err); } }); }, // 3.监听扫描到的蓝牙设备 listenBle() { var that = this; uni.onBluetoothDeviceFound((res) => { var devices = res.devices; for (var i in devices) { // console.log("蓝牙设备:",devices); if (that.isMyDevice(devices[i])) { uni.showToast({ title: "找到" + that.ourDevice.length + "个设备", icon: 'none' }); } } // 发送可连接的蓝牙列表给服务器 if (that.isOurDevice) { that.isOurDevice = false; var data = JSON.stringify(that.ourDevice); var obj = { DataType: "BLE", Key: "Msg", Data: data, Msg: "显示信息" }; var jsonString = JSON.stringify(obj); uni.sendSocketMessage({ data: jsonString, // 发送 JSON 字符串 success(res) { // console.log("发送蓝牙信息列表 " + jsonString + " 成功!"); }, fail(err) { console.error("发送数据失败", err); } }); } }); }, // 4. 连接蓝牙设备 connectToDevice(deviceId) { var that = this; if (targetDeviceID != deviceId) { targetDeviceID = deviceId; uni.createBLEConnection({ deviceId: targetDeviceID, success(res) { that.isConnected = true; console.log(`设备 ${targetDeviceID} 连接成功`, res); uni.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ success(res) { if (plateForm == 'ios') { console.log("当前平台是IOS"); that.getService(); // 跳过设置MTU,直接获取服务UUID } else { console.log("当前平台是安卓"); that.setMTU(); // 设置最大传输单元 } } }); uni.showToast({ title: '蓝牙连接成功!', icon: 'success' }); }, fail(err) { console.error("连接错误信息:", err); if (err.errCode == -1) { // uni.showToast({ // title: '已连接,请勿重复连接', // icon: 'none' // }); } else if (err.errCode == 10003) { uni.showToast({ title: '无法连接,请检查设备', icon: 'none' }); } else { uni.showToast({ title: '连接设备失败', icon: 'none' }); } } }); } }, // 获取服务的UUID getService() { var that = this; uni.getBLEDeviceServices({ deviceId: targetDeviceID, success(res) { console.log("获取服务UUID成功:", res); if (plateForm == 'ios') { // 设置IOS端的服务UUID if (res.services.length == 1) { serviceUUID = res.services[0].uuid; // 设置ESP32蓝牙服务的UUID } else { serviceUUID = res.services[1].uuid; // 设置蓝牙芯片服务的UUID } } else { // 设置Android端的服务UUID if (res.services.length == 3) { serviceUUID = res.services[0].uuid; // 设置ESP32蓝牙服务的UUID } else { serviceUUID = res.services[1].uuid; // 设置蓝牙芯片服务的UUID } } that.getCharacteris(); }, fail(err) { console.error("获取服务UUID失败:", err); } }); }, // 获取特征值的UUID getCharacteris() { var that = this; uni.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics({ deviceId: targetDeviceID, serviceId: serviceUUID, success(res) { console.log("获取特征值UUID成功:", res); if (res.characteristics.length == 1) { // 设置ESP32蓝牙特征值的UUID characteristicIdUUID = res.characteristics[0].uuid; writeUUID = res.characteristics[0].uuid; } else { // 设置蓝牙芯片特征值的UUID characteristicIdUUID = res.characteristics[0].uuid; writeUUID = res.characteristics[1].uuid; } that.checkNotify(); }, fail(err) { console.error("读取特征值UUID失败:", err); } }) }, // 5.设置最大传输单元 setMTU() { var that = this; uni.setBLEMTU({ deviceId: targetDeviceID, mtu: 200, success() { uni.showToast({ title: '参数设置成功!', icon: 'success' }); that.getService(); // 获取服务UUID }, fail(err) { console.error("设置最大传输单元失败:", err); } }) }, // 6.检查订阅 checkNotify() { var that = this; // 6 . 订阅特征值 console.log("服务:" + serviceUUID + "特征值:" + characteristicIdUUID); uni.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange({ deviceId: targetDeviceID, serviceId: serviceUUID, characteristicId: characteristicIdUUID, state: true, success() { uni.showToast({ title: '设备连接正常!', icon: 'success' }); setTimeout(function() { that.getValueChange(); }, 1500); }, fail(err) { console.error("无法读取设备数据:", err) uni.showToast({ title: '无法读取设备数据', icon: 'fail' }); } }); }, // 7. 监听低功耗蓝牙设备的特征值变化事件 getValueChange() { var that = this; uni.onBLECharacteristicValueChange((res) => { var value = this.ab2hex(res.value); if (characteristicIdUUID == res.characteristicId) { this.sendDataToServer(value); } console.log("特征值变化:", value); }); }, // 8.断开连接 disconnectDevice() { uni.closeBLEConnection({ deviceId: targetDeviceID, success() { console.log('设备 ' + targetDeviceID + ' 断开连接'); this.isConnected = false; }, fail(err) { console.error('断开连接失败', err); } }); }, // 9.向蓝牙设备写入数据 sendDataToBle(data) { // try { var that = this; const buffer = this.hex2buffer(data); uni.writeBLECharacteristicValue({ deviceId: targetDeviceID, serviceId: serviceUUID, characteristicId: writeUUID, value: buffer, writeType: "write", success() { console.log(data + "已写入蓝牙设备!") }, fail(err) { console.error('写入数据失败' + that.targetDeviceID, err); uni.showToast({ title: '写入参数失败!', icon: 'none' }); } }); // } catch (error) { // console.error('蓝牙发送数据过程中发生错误:', error); // } }, // 10.关闭蓝牙适配器 closeBle() { uni.closeBluetoothAdapter({ success(res) { console.log(res) } }) } }, onUnload() { var that = this; uni.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ success(res) { console.log("停止搜索蓝牙"); } }); this.disconnectDevice(); this.closeBle(); // 关闭蓝牙 uni.closeSocket({ success(res) { console.log("关闭Wbsocket连接成功!", res); } }); this.cleanData(); //清除缓存数据 },
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[图片] 这是为什么啊,大佬帮看看,感谢了!