套在一起是需求需要这样 soga 不加top
scroll-viewscroll-view组件在真机调试的时候 会出现无限上下滚动 无限触发 @scroll="roll"一直上下跳, <scroll-view scroll-y scroll-top="{{top}}" class="EventDetailsScrollView" @scroll="roll" scroll-into-view="{{JumpView}}"> <scroll-view scroll-x="true"> <block wx:for="{{[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]}}" wx:key="{{index}}"> <view> <image></image> </view> </block> </scroll-view></scroll-view>这个样子 跪求怎么解决??很急 = =!
2018-10-12startRecord: function() { this.data.ctx.startRecord({ success: (res) => { wx.vibrateLong() }, }) }, stopRecord: function() { var that = this clearInterval(that.data.timeLoop); that.data.ctx.stopRecord({ success: (res) => { var tempThumbPath = res.tempThumbPath, tempVideoPath = res.tempVideoPath if (tempVideoPath != undefined) { App.Getfn().GetStorage('userData', function(res) { let data = { "loginUserId": res.data.userId, "token": res.data.token, 'authenticationId': that.data.authenticationId } App.Getfn().ShowLoading('正在验证') that.UploadFile(tempVideoPath, data) }) } else { App.Getfn().HideLoading() App.Getfn().ShowModel('提示', '请重新拍摄', function(res) { that.setData({ Id: 1, disabled: false, btntxt: "开始识别", camera: false, imgshow: false, textshow: 'no', btnstyle: ' color: white; position: relative; width: 80%; background: rgba(32, 205, 116, 1);border-radius: 44px;', }) }) } }, fail: (e) => { App.Getfn().HideLoading() App.Getfn().ShowModel('提示', '摄像头有问题', function(res) { that.setData({ disabled: false, Id: 1, btntxt: "开始识别", camera: false, imgshow: false, textshow: 'no', btnstyle: ' color: white; position: relative; width: 80%; background: rgba(32, 205, 116, 1);border-radius: 44px;', }) }) } }) }, CountDown: function(second, TimeoutCallback) { var that = this var interval = () => { if (second < 11) { if (second == 0) { clearInterval(timer) that.setData({ camera: false, device: 'front', imgshow: false, loading: false, disabled: false, time: '-1', textshow: 'no', }) that.stopRecord() } else { that.setData({ time: second-- }) } } else { clearInterval(timer) if (typeof TimeoutCallback !== 'function') { return } TimeoutCallback() that.setData({ time: second-- }) } } interval() var timer = setInterval(interval, 1000) }, 目前我们测试的是 小米8 华为 苹果
stopRecord 方法[图片] 安卓出现fail的比较多,,连续调用3到4次 手机黑屏 小程序重启, ios 手机 经常没有res.tempThumbPath 有没有知道解决方法的,,,版本库和微信版本 用最新的,和低几个版本的都试过了,没有用