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$丶.▽i^:!!!‘ - 〈 `:: ::0 :::i! !∵ 卜 汁 卜 心 /六[`j …了 / :!…丶j i
id 可以打印 为何报错为空呢?id 可以打印出来 为什么最后成空了呢? onLoad: function (options) { // this.getData(options) this.getLocation() const id = options.id console.log(id) markers_db.doc(id).get().then(res => { console.log(res.data) 报错: MiniProgramError errCode: -1 | errMsg: collection.doc:fail docId must not be empty; at collection.doc api; Error: errCode: -1 | errMsg: collection.doc:fail docId must not be empty; at collection.doc api;