- 小程序能够获取到用户的聊天消息吗?
2024-03-21 - vksession目前收费吗?
2024-01-24 - 公众号消息跳转小程序,跳转后页面点击事件失效,尝试redirectto刷新,点击事件仍然会失效
公众号推送消息跳转小程序,跳转后页面点击事件失效,尝试redirectto刷新,点击事件仍然会失效。 上下滑动和侧面的退出都是正常的。 手机型号包括苹果13pro和小米10ultra 微信版本分别对应8.0.32和8.0.41 日志见下 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.onNetworkStatusChange api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.setStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] App onLaunch have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] App onShow have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onLoad have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onShow have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.setNavigationBarTitle api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.request api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.request api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onReady have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.showLoading success callback with msg showLoading:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.setNavigationBarTitle success callback with msg setNavigationBarTitle:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.login api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.showLoading success callback with msg showLoading:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.showToast api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.showToast success callback with msg showToast:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] wx.hideLoading fail callback with msg hideLoading:fail toast can't be found 2023-9-6 10:30:42 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onRouteDone have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.login success callback with msg login:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.reLaunch api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onUnload have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onLoad have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onShow have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setNavigationBarTitle api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.reLaunch success callback with msg reLaunch:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.hideLoading fail callback with msg hideLoading:fail toast can't be found 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.showLoading success callback with msg showLoading:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setNavigationBarTitle success callback with msg setNavigationBarTitle:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onReady have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onRouteDone have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getNetworkType api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getNetworkType success callback with msg getNetworkType:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.redirectTo api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onUnload have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onLoad have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onShow have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setNavigationBarTitle api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.redirectTo success callback with msg redirectTo:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.showLoading success callback with msg showLoading:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setNavigationBarTitle success callback with msg setNavigationBarTitle:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onReady have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onRouteDone have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.hideLoading success callback with msg hideLoading:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageInfoSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageInfoSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorage api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getNetworkType api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.setStorage success callback with msg setStorage:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getNetworkType success callback with msg getNetworkType:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0 2023-9-6 10:30:44 [log] wx.hideLoading success callback with msg hideLoading:ok 2023-9-6 10:30:59 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onHide have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:30:59 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:30:59 [log] wx.setStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:30:59 [log] App onHide have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:31:30 [log] App onShow have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:31:30 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onShow have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:31:30 [log] wx.request api invoke 2023-9-6 10:31:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0 2023-9-6 10:31:37 [log] page moduleB/pages/daily/detail onHide have been invoked 2023-9-6 10:31:37 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke 2023-9-6 10:31:37 [log] wx.setStorageSync return 2023-9-6 10:31:37 [log] App onHide have been invoked
2023-09-06 - 公众号消息跳转到小程序,一定概率页面全部点击事件失效?
从公众号推送消息跳转到小程序的某个页面,页面全部点击事件失效,包括自己绑定点击事件的全部按钮。 页面侧边退出可以生效。 小米10ultra手机