- 小程序Cannot read property 'lookVideoLockNum' of und?
VM190:1 Error: [api]: :Cannot read property 'lookVideoLockNum' of undefined [图片] 云函数上也报错 [图片]
2021-02-03 - TypeError: Cannot read property 'openid' of null?
[图片] [图片] [图片] 有没有大佬救救我!这个我找了好多我都没搞明白咋回事! wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: "login", }).then(res => { if (res.errMsg == "cloud.callFunction:ok") { let _openid = res.result.openid; let userInfo = e.detail.userInfo; userInfo._openid = _openid; User.login(userInfo).then(res => { app.globalData.userInfo = res.userInfo; wx.setStorageSync('userInfo', res.userInfo); app.globalData.partnerInfo = res.partnerInfo; wx.setStorageSync('partnerInfo', res.partnerInfo); this.hello.show(userInfo.nickname); }).catch((err) => { wx.showModal({ title: '错误', content: "网络异常[0]", showCancel: false }); console.log(err); }); } else { wx.showModal({ title: '错误', content: "网络异常[1]", showCancel: false }); } }).catch((code, msg) => { console.log(code, msg); wx.showModal({ title: '错误', content: "网络异常[2]", showCancel: false }); });
2020-08-26 - 微信小商店一直显示系统错误,请稍后再试?
[图片] [图片]