- Cannot read property 'mode' of undefined
Cannot read property 'mode' of undefined;at pages/index/index page loadList function TypeError: Cannot read property 'mode' of undefined at mode (utils/util.js:61:27) at Encrypt (pages/index/index.js:28:54) at l.<anonymous> (WASubContext.js:1:1368234) at loadList (pages/index/index.js:196:12) at l.<anonymous> (WASubContext.js:1:1367391) at l.__callPageLifeTime__ (WASubContext.js:1:1367131) at WASubContext.js:1:1394134 at Function.<anonymous> (WASubContext.js:1:1394923) at WASubContext.js:1:1362981 at WASubContext.js:1:798435 大神帮忙看一下,这个bug,我现在所有自定义的都报错
2019-09-24 - undefined is not an object (evaluating 'a.data.msg
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'a.data.msg');at api request fail callback function那个大佬帮忙看一下嘛,我搞了好久了没有找到原因。
2019-09-24 - thirdscripterror undefined is not an object (evalu
这是什么 哦,要疯了,强两天都是对的,今天从新上传了一下就这样了,我也没有找到原因,本地和真机测试都对,体检版就不对了。 [图片]