- 微信打单软件登录Bug
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/platform-capabilities/industry/express-download.html 物流打印助手最近部分用户无法登录,权限正常只返回登录失败 [图片][图片] 清空日志后,用失败账号登录复现问题.log文件为空。部分用户登录正常,删除权限和重新添加均登录正常。
2024-04-07 - 【微信物流服务】微信pc打单软件扫码登录后弹出错误窗口:登录失败?
用来扫码的微信已经配置了面单打印员,调用获取打印员的接口也看到了该微信的openId,用该微信扫码尝试登录打单软件后,该微信账号收到了登录操作通知的推送,但打单软件弹出错误窗口提示登录失败,请问这是怎么回事? [图片] 小程序appid:wxf20980caef71bd78 另附软件日志 [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Begin to detect proxies: [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Available proxy 0 : "" 0 [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Using proxy 0 [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Initializing WXLoginMgr [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] WXLoginMgr initialized end [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Initializing RequestMgr [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] RequestMgr initialized end [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] QRCodeWidget create [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] QRCodeDialog create [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Available printer 0 : "OneNote for Windows 10" [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Available printer 1 : "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Available printer 2 : "Microsoft Print to PDF" [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Available printer 3 : "HP ePrint + JetAdvantage" [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Available printer 4 : "Fax" [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Available printer 5 : "Deli DL-730C(NEW)" [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] RealMainWindow::slotStopAuto [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] Stop pulling waybills and printing [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] GetQRCode exec [2024-03-20 20:33:37][INFO] QRCodeDialog show [2024-03-20 20:33:38][INFO] qrcode err_type 0 err_code 0 [2024-03-20 20:33:38][INFO] QRCode request succ [2024-03-20 20:33:45][INFO] WXLogin QRCode scanned [2024-03-20 20:33:47][INFO] WXLogin login succ [2024-03-20 20:33:47][INFO] UpdateCTT exec. is_login_succ true [2024-03-20 20:33:47][INFO] Send request cmdid 100 nonce "{9a5d4583-bcce-494d-9ef5-23941f85b708}" payload QJsonObject() [2024-03-20 20:33:48][INFO] Resp cmdid 100 ret -1 nonce "{9a5d4583-bcce-494d-9ef5-23941f85b708}" [2024-03-20 20:33:51][INFO] RealMainWindow::slotStopAuto [2024-03-20 20:33:51][INFO] Stop pulling waybills and printing [2024-03-20 20:33:51][INFO] GetQRCode exec [2024-03-20 20:33:51][INFO] QRCodeDialog show [2024-03-20 20:33:51][INFO] qrcode err_type 0 err_code 0 [2024-03-20 20:33:51][INFO] QRCode request succ [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] Login canceled [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] RealMainWindow::slotStopAuto [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] Stop pulling waybills and printing [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] WXLOGIN: Begin logout [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] Logout resp err type 0 err code 0 [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] RealMainWindow::slotStopAuto [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] Stop pulling waybills and printing [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] Module "PRINT" shutdown [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] Module "NET" shutdown [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] Module "WXLOGIN" shutdown [2024-03-20 20:33:53][INFO] MainFSM: Everything shutdown properly, bye [2024-03-20 20:33:53][DEBUG] Logger shutdown