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- vue3 开发的微信小程序打包到qq小程序报错了?
VM3239:265 thirdScriptError sdk uncaught third Error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'prototype') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'prototype') at runInContext2 (vendor.js:15450) at Object.<anonymous> (vendor.js:20222) at vendor.js:20229 at vendor.js:20230 at require (QLogic.js:formatted:62835) at QLogic.js:formatted:62810 at VM3251 app.js:3 at require (QLogic.js:formatted:62835) at <anonymous>:1:1 at HTMLScriptElement.scriptLoaded (appservice?t=1715235818601:3636)
2024-05-09 - 7 卡券资料包下载