- Current Wechat version do not support asynchronous
Current Wechat version do not support asynchronous getSystemInfo. "wx.getSystemInfoAsync" will be finished by synchronous implementation.卡住很长时间,才会渲染出页面
2023-11-28 - checkPointFullReportRule err: unsupport
2023-03-15 - live-player - 2301 如何重连
live-player - 2301 网络断连,且经多次重连抢救无效,更多重试请自行重启播放
2022-03-25 - live-pusher如何手动推流?
需求:微信小程序中长按按钮,手动推流到rtmp服务器,点击过程没有报错,也没有成功。 <live-pusher mode="RTC" :enable-camera="false" :autopush="false" ref="livePusher" id="livePusher" url="rtmp://xxx:1935/xxx/xx" @error = "error" ></live-pusher> onReady() { setTimeout(() => { this.playerCtx = uni.createLivePlayerContext('livePlayer'); this.pusherCtx = uni.createLivePusherContext('livePusher', this); }, 300); }, touchdown() { console.log('测试'); let that = this; console.log(that.pusherCtx); uni.vibrateLong({ success: function() { that.tips = '松开结束'; } }); that.pusherCtx.start({ success: ret => { console.log(ret, 'start push success!'); }, fail: ret => { console.log(ret, 'start push failed!'); }, complete: ret => { console.log(ret, 'start push complete!'); } }); },