- ios 6sP 使用scroll-view页面不能滑动
- 当前 Bug 的表现(可附上截图) ios6sP scroll-view 不能滑动 - 预期表现 正常 - 复现路径 - 提供一个最简复现 Demo
2019-01-28 - 拉流播放画面不展示
- 当前 Bug 的表现(可附上截图) Enter the live broadcast room which has already started. If the image is not displayed, the sound can come out. The person who initiated the live broadcast should stop the push stream and then push the stream again to see the display of the local screen(进入已经开始的直播房间,进入不显示图像,声音能出来,发起直播人要停止推流然后重新推流,观看的地方画面展示) - 预期表现 When entering the live broadcast room, the screen can be displayed normally, without the need to launch a new push stream from the live broadcast party(进入直播房间能正常展示画面,不需要发起直播方重新推流) - 复现路径 - 提供一个最简复现 Demo <live-player id="player" src="rtmp://" mode="RTC" bindstatechange="statechange" bindfullscreenchange="fullscreenchange" bindnetstatus="dnetstarts" binderror="error" min-cache="0.2s" max-cache="0.8s" object-fit="fillCrop" />
2019-01-16 - live-player引用直播流直播时,只能听到声音,画面不显示
[图片] <live-pusher url="rtmp://" mode="SD" autopush bindstatechange="statechange" style="width: 300px; height: 225px;" />
2019-01-14 - 自定义组件内使用canvas无反应
<canvas canvas-id="myCanvas"></canvas> /** * 组件的生命周期 */ lifetimes: { created() { this.paint() } }, methods: { paint() { const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('myCanvas') ctx.setFillStyle("#EB0000") ctx.setFontSize(10) ctx.fillText('¥',10,84) ctx.draw() } } [图片]
2018-12-17 - web-view调用微信h5支付
2018-09-12 - 用户支付时支付给不同的不同的支付
2018-09-12 - 获取二维码b接口生成的二维码解析失败
[图片] 我获取到了scene值然后就报错了
2018-07-12 - 获取二维码报错
errcode:40001 errmsg:"invalid credential, access_token is invalid or not latest hint: [aCmi600061518]" why?
2018-07-11 - swiper组件在华为手机不停抽搐