是因为不是https的问题 ,此贴终结
2023-07-31console.log(observer.relativeTo('.scroll-view').observe('.isokid')) 这样打印会 undefined Error in onReady hook: "Error: Relative nodes cannot be added after "observe" call in IntersectionObserver" mp.runtime.esm.js?66fd:5818 Error: Relative nodes cannot be added after "observe" call in IntersectionObserver
createIntersectionObserver 必须要在组件调用吗?<template> <view class="" style="position: relative;"> <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="page-top" :scroll-left="scrollleft" @scroll="scroll" :lower-threshold="right" @scrolltolower="lower"> <view class="page-top-one" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index" > <view class="one-list" :class="item.isIndex == 5?'isokid':''" :id="item.isIndex == 5?'isokid':''"> {{item.isIndex}} </view> </view> </scroll-view> <view class="page-bottom"> <view class="page-bottom-top"> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { list: [ { isPrize: true, name: "520大礼包", isIndex: 0, }, { isPrize: false, isIndex: 1, }, { isPrize: false, isIndex: 2, }, { isPrize: true, name: "520大礼包1", isIndex: 3, }, { name: "现金礼包2", isPrize: true, isIndex: 4, }, { isPrize: false, isIndex: 5, }, { isPrize: true, name: "520大礼包3", isIndex: 6, }, { name: "现金礼包4", isPrize: true, isIndex: 7, }, { isPrize: false, isIndex: 8, }, { isPrize: true, name: "520大礼包3", isIndex: 9, }, { name: "现金礼包4", isPrize: true, isIndex: 10, }, ], newList: [], rotate: 0, // 旋转角度 num: 0, // 第几次抽奖 takeTime: 3, //抽奖的总次数 disable: true, //是否能够抽 timer: null, times: 0, //计时器初始值 scrollleft:1,//滚动 right:10, countdown:'',//定时器 countdowntow:'',//定时器 left:0, phonewindth:0,//屏幕宽度, isok:0,//第几个是选中的 stopjuli:0,//需要停止的距离 }; }, mounted() { clearInterval(this.countdown); this.countdown = null; this.list.forEach((item,index)=>{ if(item.isIndex == 4){ this.isok = index; } }) uni.getSystemInfo({ success: (res) => { const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this); query.select('#isokid').boundingClientRect(data => { this.phonewindth = (parseInt(res.windowWidth / 2) - data.width/2); console.log(this.phonewindth) }).exec(); } }) }, onUnload(){ clearInterval(this.countdown); this.countdown = null; }, onHide(){ clearInterval(this.countdown); this.countdown = null; }, onReady() { let observer = uni.createIntersectionObserver(this); console.log(observer.relativeTo('.scroll-view').observe) observer.relativeTo('.scroll-view').observe('.isokid', (res) => { console.log(res.boundingClientRect.left,this.phonewindth) if(res.boundingClientRect.left < this.phonewindth + 100){ this.closeTime(this.scrollleft); return } }) }, methods: { closeTime(e){ this.scrollleft = e; clearInterval(this.countdown); this.countdown = null; // 放慢 this.countdown = setInterval(()=>{ this.scrollleft = this.scrollleft +1; let observer = uni.createIntersectionObserver(this); observer.relativeTo('.scroll-view').observe('.isokid', (res) => { if(res.intersectionRect.left == this.phonewindth){ clearInterval(this.countdown); this.countdown = null; } }) },20) }, // 滚动距离 scroll(e){ let observer = uni.createIntersectionObserver(this); console.log(observer.relativeTo('.scroll-view').observe) observer.relativeTo('.scroll-view').observe('.isokid', (res) => { console.log(res.boundingClientRect.left,this.phonewindth) if(res.boundingClientRect.left < this.phonewindth + 100){ this.closeTime(this.scrollleft); return } }) }, // 数组解构 edArray(list) { this.newList = list }, lower(e){ console.log(e,'到最边了') this.scrollleft = 0; }, }, }; </script> <style> scroll-view ::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; width: 0 !important; height: 0 !important; -webkit-appearance: none; background: transparent; } </style> <style scoped lang="scss"> .page-bottom{ width: 100%; height: 10rpx; display:flex; justify-content: center; position: absolute; left: 0rpx; bottom: 0rpx; .page-bottom-top{ width: 6rpx; height: 30rpx; background-color: red; } } .page-top{ width: 100%; height: 200rpx; display: flex; align-items: center; border: solid 2rpx #4CD964; white-space: nowrap; // 滚动必须加的属性 margin: 0 auto; position: relative; } .page-top-one{ width: 200rpx; height: 200rpx; background:#000; margin-right: 20rpx; display: inline-block; } .one-list{ width: 100%; height: 200rpx; line-height: 200rpx; text-align: center; font-size:40rpx; font-weight: 600; color: #FFFFFF; } </style> 返回的内容是 这样的 是什么原因啊 ƒ (e,...o){if(Gl()>n){var l=s.call(t,e,...o);return r&&x(l)&&!Ml.has(l)&&(Hl(`${u}.`,l,!1,n,i,a),Ml.add(l)),l}var c=zi(),d=Date.now(),p=Nl();try{var h=s.call(t,x(e)&&("success"in e||"fail"in e||"comple…
2021-12-27appid wx52d1dec67b40a664
微信小程序页面接入无效网页?[图片][图片] 这种错误是什么意思?