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对应的公众号appid: wxc057f8cc78dd0874 腾讯的专家 帮忙看下是什么原因,在下等,加急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
新增微信卡券可以成功,修改卡券报错,怎么处理?"errcode":61016,"errmsg":"function category of API need be confirmed by component hint: [Ti01ja0560r279]"
2021-08-26"errcode":61016,"errmsg":"function category of API need be confirmed by component hint: [Ti01ja0560r279]" 我也遇到这问题
第三方授权 发送客服消息 61016?Connection: keep-alive Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 08:42:04 GMT Content-Type: application/json; encoding=utf-8 Content-Length: 116 { "errcode": 61016, "errmsg": "function category of API need be confirmed by component rid: 6114dedc-7e90330d-3fb31e22" }
授权入口页所在域名:空在微信公众平台 报错说 错误 请确认授权入口页所在域名,与授权后回调页所在域名相同,并且,此两者都必须与申请第三方平台时填写的授权发起页域名相同。授权入口页所在域名:空 [图片]