[图片] 这个可以解决第二个问题,但是同时带来了第三个问题。 [图片] upload score failed Error: errCode: -404011 cloud function execution error | errMsg: cloud.callFunction:fail requestID b849a8a6-bc9c-11e8-9e32-525400e8849e, cloud function service error code -504002, error message wx is not defined; at cloud.callFunction api; at new t (WAGame.js:21) at o (WAGame.js:21) at Object.i [as returnAsFinalCloudSDKError] (WAGame.js:21) at Function.success (WAGame.js:21) at Object.success (WAGame.js:4) at a.<anonymous> (WAGame.js:6) at a.emit (WAGame.js:7) at Function.<anonymous> (WAGame.js:8) at WAGame.js:5 at e (gamePage.html:1) 第三个问题通过注释这行代码,重新上传部署后解决。 [图片] 第一个问题,uploadScore云函数中,userRecord 的判断有问题导致逻辑错误。 修改前的代码: [图片] 修改后的代码: [图片] 第一个问题实际上在修好第二、三个问题后就好了,因为这是设计上会catch的错误,而反复出现的原因是因为有第二、三个问题导致数据库插入不成功导致的。
【求助】云开发小游戏 QuickStart 关于云的两个运行时错误[图片] db get score catch error Error: errCode: -1 | errMsg: document.get:fail Error: cannot find document with _id oQWhZ5Pqd7dtWfZJBuRKzyxhwR2M-score, please make sure that the document exists and you have the corresponding access permission; at document.get api; at new t (WAGame.js:21) at o (WAGame.js:21) at Object.i [as returnAsFinalCloudSDKError] (WAGame.js:21) at e.<anonymous> (WAGame.js:20) at r (WAGame.js:19) at Object.next (WAGame.js:19) at a (WAGame.js:19) at <anonymous> upload score failed Error: errCode: -404011 cloud function execution error | errMsg: cloud.callFunction:fail requestID 363313bf-bc9a-11e8-b563-52540064d067, cloud function service error code -504002, error message Cannot find module 'wx-server-sdk'; at cloud.callFunction api; at new t (WAGame.js:21) at o (WAGame.js:21) at Object.i [as returnAsFinalCloudSDKError] (WAGame.js:21) at Function.success (WAGame.js:21) at Object.success (WAGame.js:4) at a.<anonymous> (WAGame.js:6) at a.emit (WAGame.js:7) at Function.<anonymous> (WAGame.js:8) at WAGame.js:5 at e (gamePage.html:1) 第一个问题,我已经按照 快速启动步骤 创建了 score集合,无法解决这个问题。 第二个问题,看提示是说 wx-server-sdk 没有安装,不知道怎么解决。 请问怎么fix?小程序开发新人。
云开发小游戏 QuickStart 编译错误如题,请问怎么fix?小程序新手。 [图片]