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页面路径都是正常的 今天才出的问题 之前都好好的
error occurs:no such file or directory, access?真机调试报错 VM75:398 error occurs:no such file or directory, access 'wxfile://usr/miniprogramLog/' 体验版和正式环境 onUnload have been invoked onShow have been invoked
2024-07-05楼主解决了吗 我也遇到了这个问题
真机调试和体验版出现 “onLoad have been invoked”等问题怎么解决?[图片]
2024-07-05我也是这个问题 请问你怎么解决的
引用插件,提示找不到.Component is not found in patapp.json "plugins": { "myPluginpicker": { "version": "1.0.2", "provider": "wxd5ad385e237c39f7" } } index.json "usingComponents": { "inputpicker": "plugin://myPluginpicker/inputpicker" } 其它代码使用组件介绍中的示例代码 报错: Component is not found in path "plugin://wxd5ad385e237c39f7/inputpicker" (using by "pages/index")