- 小程序云数据库watch监听失败,错误码 -402012,怎么解决?
之前好好的,昨天到现在一直这样,开发工具上正常,手机预览就报错。我用的是安卓手机。 <Error: errCode: -402012 realtime listener init ws fail | errMsg: errors of each retry (latest to oldest): ["[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]"] history states: UNINIT-(close)->CLOSED> Error: errCode: -402012 realtime listener init ws fail | errMsg: errors of each retry (latest to oldest): ["[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]"] history states: UNINIT-(close)->CLOSED at Ts.<anonymous> (https://lib/WACloud.js:1:308382) at Generator.next (<anonymous>) at t (https://lib/WACloud.js:1:375) at s (https://lib/WACloud.js:1:586)
2023-09-15 - 9.15号后,为什么开发版,和体验版的 watch 命令在手机端不起作用了呢?
9.15号后,为什么开发版,和体验版的 watch 命令在手机端不起作用了呢? PC上开发版 watch是正常的,之前发布的正式版也是正常的。