Cannot read property 'nickName' of 错误查看运维中心的错误列表, 发现这个错误, 看起来应该是 调用wx.createUserInfoButton接口之后的onTap回调中 res.userInfo中的nickName是undefined, 请问一下 什么情况下会导致nickName为空呢? 我这里已经先先判断了userInfo为空的情况的. Cannot read property 'nickName' of undefined;at tap callback function 贴代码 var button = wx.createUserInfoButton({ type: "text", text: "微信登陆", image: "", style: { left: x, top: y, width: 150, height: 48, lineHeight: 48, backgroundColor: "#09bb07", color: "#ffffff", textAlign: "center", fontSize: 22, borderRadius: 24 } }); button.onTap((res) => { console.log("用户授权:", res); if(res.userInfo) { WindowManage.showMiniLoding(); UserInfo.GetInstance().init(res.userInfo); button.destroy(); callBack() } }); init (userInfo) { this.nickName = userInfo.nickName this.avatarUrl = userInfo.avatarUrl this.gender = userInfo.gender //性别 0:未知、1:男、2:女 // ....... }