iphone 6s , IOS 11.4.1 , 微信 8.0.0, 还是返回 errCode: 10001errMsg: "openBluetoothAdapter:fail open fail"state: 4 求姐
小程序 wx.openBluetoothAdapter 报错1001?手机机型:苹果12 max [图片][图片]
2021-01-22傻逼 小程序 ,鉴定完毕
请求频繁导致无法登陆小程序,过一段时间就自动恢复了,该怎么解决?[图片] 电脑登陆小程序,频繁发送请求后导致电脑无法登陆小程序出现上述错误。 但是手机可以登陆小程序,而且过一段时间就会自动恢复,电脑可以重新登陆小程序。
2021-01-19同坑,垃圾 小程序
真机调试错误,这是什么情况?怎么定位问题?VM21:2 (in promise) MiniProgramError Cannot read property 'createView' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'createView' of undefined at n.value (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1064980) at n.value (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:757375) at t (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:757542) at n.value (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:757631) at eval (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1300784) at new Promise (<anonymous>) at pu (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1300746) at eval (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1302216) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at r (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1302194)