# index-list

Index list component, can achieve similar address book effect. The intra-component node is added to the top of the list.

# install

npm install @ miniprogram-component-plus/index-list

On the page page.json in

// page.json
    "usingComponents": {
        "mp-index-list": @ miniprogram-component-plus/index-list"

# sample code

# List of properties

attribute type Default values Required Introductions
list Array<listItem> [] yes List data
vibrated boolean true no Does a slide on the index vibrate, only iOS Take effect
bindchoose eventhandle no Select a list item, and.detail={name}

# listItem List of properties

attribute type Introductions
alpha string initial letters(Uppercase)
subItems Array&ltsubItem&gt Set of child elements

# Subitem List of properties

attribute type Introductions
name string Name

# Note

  1. demo The information of provinces and cities is simulated data, the developer can use the SDK For provincial and city information.